Shared on Sat, 08/16/2008 - 16:42So far it has been lots of fun! I went today with Dan & Dominick (prolly not spelt right) to the Sears Tower, it was lots of fun. We road the train downtown and got to see many diff parts of the city. We stoped in at a pizza and past place for lunch wich was just awesome. I'd like to say thank you to Dominick and Dan for a great day out of the hotel! Oh and for the French lesson. I have taken lots of pictures but I forgot the hook up cord for my pc so I will post them when I get back home. Trying to hide from other people cameras didn't work out to well for me this year lol
Yesterday was a lot of Rock Band, Halo 3 & GOW. As for me I played my third and fourth games of Halo 3 ever. Dahji talked me into it lol I have mets lots of new people and made some good friends. Meemoos is who I have spent most of my time with and she is a trip. I like being able to move from click to clik and communicate with all of them. Jeep is nothing like I was expecting her to be; she is awesome and fun to hang around, you never know whats going to come out of her mouth but it makes me laugh every time. Pearly is great, I had lunch with her and the rest of the WoW gang yesterday. I hope to see all of thesepeople again next year and maybe even some more. It would take me all day to remember everyone I have met so I'm just going to ramble off the ones I know I can remember...Dominick, Dan, Dahji, Doodi, Drost, DSmooth, Ken, Taxi, MikeJames, Pythonista, Al, Blizz, Wytex, oPhreako, JasonTroyhimself, Killthrash, Em, Pearly, Meemoos, Dantes, AbeFroman, LadiesLuvMe, Caesarrrrr (not a dickhead ), Mr. White, Blue Eyes (that's just what I called him), Boob man (LB Sutke), Soup, Speedbump, DC300, BanjoCut, Sharpshooter, Mini, Stridog & his wife Chris. I can't think of anymore names now or my head will go boom. lol
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