

Shared on Wed, 09/19/2007 - 17:16
As per my last blog, I just started playing Halo 1 for the first time earlier this week.  I must say I now understand the addiction.  I got up extra early this morning, put my  daughters breakfast on, did all my normal morning stuff and squeezed in 25 mins of Halo b4 I had to take her to school.  I would like to have the campaign mode for 1 & 2 done b4 I start on 3 but I can't see myself staying up till 3 or 4 every morning trying to get them done in time lol!  I must go now and continue my quest!

Ice Out


naveeda's picture
Submitted by naveeda on Wed, 09/19/2007 - 18:43
+1 for anyone who appreciates the awesome game of Halo :) Finishing the campaign for both 1 and 2 is a really good idea, otherwise you might don't get a lot of story in 3.

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