

Shared on Sun, 03/23/2008 - 21:26

Well here we go again, another week of the store remodel...Its been a really great thing to be here for the remodel, seeing something from start to finish.  Think of your favorite store that you go to, now  you one day you go in and there a doing a remodel, floor all ripped up, contractors all over the place, and nothing is in the same place no more, but for some reason you find what you want, people still there to help you and explain to you what the hell is going on.....

Well thats kinda of what I am doing, I run the day crew behind the sceens,  making sure all this goes along smoothly and least on the store level, i have nothing to due with construction, but do have an input on what happens and if it does not happen.  This is a very different job but I like non the less,  it has challenge and tasks, which I am all about.  So when the jobs all done the end result is a very beautiful store with a staff who loves there new store.

so remember the next time you see a store getting remodeled, think about the people who are in store working to make it new, I am talking about the employee's  its hard on them also, no one wants trashed store but its bound to happen,  and you know thoses surveys you get and the end of you receipt how was you honest, but if the store is messy and kinda dirty because of the remodel, well there you go  It's a REMODEL.... we try our best......if thats the only thing you hate about your visit,  thats understandable, but dont blame the store and give a bad score........we can only controll so much...

Happy shopping



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