Apparently........I Don't know Jack!!!!


Shared on Thu, 02/10/2011 - 09:47

    So on a whim I stopped by the game store, on the way home from work last night, and picked up "You Don't Know Jack", which is only $29.99.  Most of the reviews had said it was excellent and a lot of fun.  Plain and simple it was a blast.  My wife who is not a gamer per se, but loves trivia Loves this game!!!!  It's pretty funny with crude humor throughout the game.  At one point I laughed at my wife because I knew she had gotten the answer wrong, but she got the "Wrong Answer of the Day Question" and still got 4000 points and "Fister Bowling Ball", which is pretty much what it sounds like.  Anyway this game allows up to 4 players local, and offers XBL play as well.  For $29.99, it is well worth the cash and could be quite interesting at a party.  I say check it out!!!!



AngryJason's picture
Submitted by AngryJason on Thu, 02/10/2011 - 10:30
I'm not dumb, but that game abused me last night. The dis or dat questions really bug me. It has one option on the left side of the screen, one on the right, the button for the left side is B, right is X! What the hell?!?! I kept hitting X meaning B and B meaning X. That's truly some masochistic shit! Sadly, I only got 5 out of 7 on Pope names versus Britney Spears songs. I also found myself getting really, really pissed when I'd get a question wrong or got screwed up on a button and the game would insult me. It literally put me on tilt, and made me play worse. This game screws with your head. Play at your own risk. I absolutely hate it - but not in a bad way ;)
CrypticCat's picture
Submitted by CrypticCat on Thu, 02/10/2011 - 10:45
I saw it on your billboard yesterday, TK. It's not released overhere, it's prolly too US for Europe.

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