Shared on Mon, 08/16/2010 - 13:40
Of my Life!!!!!! I'll start off by saying sometimes in my job I have to be a jerk!!!! Evictions, etc....... that I never relish doing, unless people have been complete asshats and deserve it. Currently, I'm running a condominium association that the property is emerging from bankruptcy. It has been very difficult to run this property on a shoe string budget, because some owners have not been paying their condo fees. Short story, one owner owns 23 of the units, and has skirted paying the fees and have not paid water on his units in over the two years I have been here. All his units are under foreclosure and he continues to rent them out to unsuspecting persons, and pocket the money. (i.e. he takes advantage of people who are looking for a break). He will try and physically intimidate people into leaving if they don't pay rent, instead of doing evictions. He doesn't sign leases with his tenants, collects large security deposits upfront, then doesn't give it back when they move, and basically tells them to prove he had their security deposit. THIS GUY IS A REAL SCUMBAG!!!!!!!!
Anyways, now that the scene is set. A new law passed in the State of Florida, that allows the association to step in and collect the rent directly from the tenants, under threat of eviction from the association. With collecting the rent, I am able to pay all his back fees (only to July of this year), but all of his back water charges for the last two years. Once his residents are current, I have promised them free cable, high speed internet and pest control services, which the rest of the paying persons get as part of their fees. His residents have all complied with the new law, and have paid their rent to my office. So now I have heard from this guy and his accountant twice in the last two days. The guy is wanting to argue all the points of the law with me. He threatened me with lawyers (which people always do in condos and apartments). It doesn't phase me or any long term property manager for that matter, so save your breath. I told him to have his lawyer contact my lawyer and they'll get it sorted out. The best part was telling him, "THE ONLY REASON I'M HEARING FROM YOU NOW, WHEN YOU HAVE RECEIVED NOTICES FOR TWO YEARS, IS BECAUSE I'M DIPPING INTO YOUR POCKET EFFECTING YOUR INCOME"!!!!!!! The guy was floored. He didn't really have a comeback for that. His accountant had to intercede a couple of times, to give a count break for me and this guy, like a ref in a boxing match. I had studied his files, the condo docs, and talked with his residents, preparing for this eventual meeting. Every point he brought up I shot down, and suggested he go back and study the condo documents for these answers, as it was clearly spelled out, and someone clearly leverage as deeply as he is should probably had known these answers from the beginning. WOW!!!!!! I FEEL GREAT!!!!!!
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Submitted by erinroxyfox on Mon, 08/16/2010 - 13:47
Submitted by Biznass on Mon, 08/16/2010 - 13:53
Submitted by VenomRudman on Mon, 08/16/2010 - 14:03
Submitted by J-Cat on Mon, 08/16/2010 - 14:32
Submitted by Snuphy on Mon, 08/16/2010 - 16:44
Submitted by Arvind on Mon, 08/16/2010 - 17:32
Submitted by Bonecollektor on Mon, 08/16/2010 - 20:32