Forming a Halo Player... Log entry 3


Shared on Thu, 02/28/2013 - 10:08

Just posting a short log entry as it may be a few days before I post again.  Played a short amount of time last night, but I heard Mato (that's what I'll call her to make it easier) say during one of the games she was trying hard to keep her deaths down.  That was definitely a positive thing to hear when we play Team Slayer variants mostly.  She didn't have an improvement on her k/d (still .39)  but she did kick her w/l up to .45.  Obviously she's not really contributing to that too much at the moment.  I also had a better night last night as well, got my k/d back up to a 1.24 and I have a .5 w/l now.  We're still new so it'll be interesting to see how that averages out later on.  I think I had a .4 or a .6 in social when I first started Halo 3 and I ended with a 1.15.  Not fantastic by any means but positive.  So hopefully we'll be able to get her positive at some point too.

I found my Hava and all my cords but it only supports up to 1080i which I know nothing about... so I'm going to hook it up in a way that we can play through hdmi but we'll record theater through the hava after.  So I'm going to record the videos this weekend of her first few games and post them for reference points.

I have an idea on some things I can work with her on that might allow us to move out of BTB (I put us in BTB so her scores won't effect the overall team as much while she's learning) and hopefully be able to influence the W/L more. I'm going to work with her over the weekend on this stuff and I'll report back on those efforts Monday.

Her Stats so far for the curious:


FreeRadikal's picture
Submitted by FreeRadikal on Fri, 03/01/2013 - 07:58

For H4

My Kills: 5,949

My Deaths: 5,950

Population of Alaska: 663,661

tocleora's picture
Submitted by tocleora on Fri, 03/01/2013 - 10:10

That's awesome one death! does it consistantly stay that close?

FreeRadikal's picture
Submitted by FreeRadikal on Fri, 03/01/2013 - 13:06

It tends to, it really depends on who I am running with, some in the clan are good and they drawn in good players and so my deaths go up and then I run with some people more my skill level and then it evens out. The best way to get better at Halo with out trying is to party up with really good players for a few weeks and then find some normal people and you'll feel like it's so much easier to play. I've had games where I got 5 and 17 and then the next day I got 17 and 5. 284

wamam87's picture
Submitted by wamam87 on Fri, 03/01/2013 - 13:30

that's pretty cool what you are doing with her.

i did the same thing with my son. made huge improvements over a fairly short time.

i wish i had someone to coach me. just because you know what to do doesn't mean that you'll remember to do it in game.

once something becomes a habit, then it's easier to maintain doing it in game.

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