Shared on Sat, 03/28/2015 - 11:08So last month, I entered a contest on Gamespot, like many others I was not too optimistic on the outcome. I will say that lately it seems that I have been having a bit of luck with contests and giveaways on social media and the like. I won a Highlander mug, which came with a surprise gift of The Highander: The Raven DVD series and a cool Highlander pin times two; yup got two mugs, two DVD sets and two pins, awesome. Then I won the Gotham City Sirens book from a giveaway on FB from the Free Comic Book Day page that I follow.
Imagine how excited I was when I got an email from one of the Community Managers of Gamespot that I was 'tentatively' chosen, pending my submission of a copy of my ID and address. I quickly supplied requested info, although warily (can't be too careful these days) and received a response that the prizes would be shipped once all winners had responded.
So I waited, I mean who doesn't want a free game and a pair of sweet headphones....for FREE!!!!!!. I work offshore and go out for a month at a time, when I received the email that I had won it was right before I was to get back on shore, enough time for all the winners to respond and to get my prize...or so I thought. I waited...I was other wise distracted by other things; life, visiting family and trying to get my truck fixed. Time comes for me to head back out again, I realize that I have not received my prize yet and decide to email the CM that had contacted me and express my gratitude..........and nonchalantly state that I had not gotten said prize. It had been a month since I responded and should have been ample time to send them out.
A couple of days ago I sent an email stating, in a non threatening way, that I was more than disappointed with how the contest was handled. I got a response pretty quickly from the same CM and was apologized to, it seems that there was a mistake made. They asked if they were correct in understanding that I had not received the prize. I responded that "No" I had not and I was offshore so I would have no way of checking my mail or knowing if I had received any packages for the duration I was out here.
Needless to say they apologized and said that they would get with the person in charge of sending out the prizes and if I had not heard anything by Monday, that they would send me out another one.
I got confirmation that the package did indeed arrive.....the day after I left for my hitch. Now I have a new game and a set of headphones waiting for me when I get back.
- TwizdFred's blog
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