Performance art....or a clue?


Shared on Tue, 12/12/2006 - 22:37

I found this piece of paper taped to a newspaper box tonight on my way home from work. I work for a large university, so maybe this is some art student experiment. But what if it belongs to one of the many completely crazy homeless people that hang around the campus? Perhpas this is a glimpse into a short schizophrenic narrative? Will there be more messages, left in installements...on the paper box?

I'll keep you posted.



NewBoyX's picture
Submitted by NewBoyX on Wed, 12/13/2006 - 19:20
The Wisdom of Jack Handey If I could be a bird, I'd be a Flying Purple People Eater because then people would sing about me and I could fly down and eat them because I hate that song. Once while walking through the mall a guy came up to me and said "Hey, hows it going?". So I grabbed his arm and twisted it up behind his head and said "Now whose asking the questions?" I think a pillow should be the peace symbol, not the dove. The pillow has more feathers than the dove, and it doesn't have a beak to peck you with. Instead of studying for finals, what about just going to the Bahamas and catching some rays? Maybe you'll flunk, but you might have flunked anyway; that's my point. When I was in the 3rd grade, a bully in school started beating me up every day. At first I didn't say anything, but then I told dad. He got a real scared look on his face and asked if the bully had a big dad. I said I didn't know. But he still seemed scared. And just a few days later we moved to a new town. Dad told me that if anyone picked on me, not to fight back. Unless I knew the kid didn't have a dad or the dad was real small. Otherwise just curl up in a ball.
Brad's picture
Submitted by Brad on Tue, 12/12/2006 - 22:42
How many homeless people have word processors? I had a homeless guy write a long message on the dumpster where I work cuz I told him to go away. He used a sharpie.
Brad's picture
Submitted by Brad on Tue, 12/12/2006 - 22:42
It's bad grammar, too.
SciDad23's picture
Submitted by SciDad23 on Tue, 12/12/2006 - 22:43
It's actually a quote from SNL back in the 90's. Remember the "Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handy" skits? Little scrolling texts set to soft music. Sorry to break it to ya, but life's just not that interesting. No rambling homeless guy, most likely someone found the book of the quotes and thought it would be cute to put a few of em around.
nomodifier's picture
Submitted by nomodifier on Tue, 12/12/2006 - 22:43
looks kind of like a Deep Thought by Jack Handy...
SciDad23's picture
Submitted by SciDad23 on Tue, 12/12/2006 - 22:44
Nomod, beat ya by about 10 seconds. ehheh.
Ujaya's picture
Submitted by Ujaya on Tue, 12/12/2006 - 22:49
See..I don't watch TV, so I never get these pop cutlure references. Dang. As far as the printing, the homeless people here use the internet cafe ALL THE TIME. Some of them are just sane enough....

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