Shared on Wed, 02/21/2007 - 10:08Played in my first Halo 2 session last night with gamers like flapjaxx, agedsandshark , and jonny12gauge. sooooo much better and more enjoyable. even though I suck out loud no seemed to mind. We played a custom game of football which had me confused at first but I figured out the rules by the end. I even had the bomb at one point in the enemy base but didnt know how to arm and detonate the damn thing before I was put to bed. Watched the UK wildcats play after halo 2 and was pleased they beat LSU. I cheer for my big rival when they arent playing my team and I think alot of people are that way. Some people hear that and are aghast, like I just said I'm a big fan of hitler or something. I'm just not that competitive of a person I guess. make your day a good one.
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Submitted by eatmorebrains on Wed, 02/21/2007 - 10:56