My Life Without WoW: The 1st Weekend


Shared on Sun, 02/25/2007 - 11:16
Now I have gone a day or two at a time w/o playing WoW, but never against my will. Needless to say, going into the weekend, I was a bit sad by the thought of not getting to play.

On Friday I contacted the online retailer that got me banned. They apologized and told me that blizzard would lift the ban if I called them. Okay, I thought, maybe I will give that a try. The rep told me that if I got the ban lifted they would go ahead and give me the gold since i was banned. WTF-if I did get the ban lifted why the hell would I want try for it again, what an idiot. Well, I got my money back, so it was not a total loss.

Went shopping with the wife and kids on Friday after work, not to fun. Would have rather stayed home.

It was a bit rainy and windy on Saturday, so the day was spent inside. I was pretty bored. No WoW. Watched a couple of movies that I rented from XBL...that is pretty damn cool if you ask me...the wife and I drank a little beer and had a few was a good day.

So far, I find the ban to be a blessing, and I really have not missed the game much at all. I do miss my Guild, but not the game.

Stay tuned.


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