No. 4


Shared on Mon, 09/18/2006 - 10:13


Why do we let those unguided to guide us?
Our poor souls need so much to be shown,
Told, guided, instructed. We yearn to be clean
And pure as we were in the beginning.
Yet we allow this body of filth and disgust to
Teach us the way. Poor mined creatures are we
Hanging onto every command directed of us by this
Band of denigrate self-indulging animals.
Don't show us truth, Don't show us reality, Don't show
Us all those dirty little pictures we hire you to air
Brush for us. Protect us from all this dirt and grime of
Real and true, please blind our innocent eyes and minds.
Protect us from you, from the hate you feed, from the
Blood you spill, from the blood you use to grow your
Own fortune. Does nothing sadden you? It will all end.
It will all go, you will go with it, for yours is a mind that
Knows only one thing, that thing of green. For you will
Follow it to the bitter end, your bitter end,


Gatsu's picture
Submitted by Gatsu on Mon, 09/18/2006 - 10:26
ah a fellow poetry fan. I write a little here and there. Not many good ones, mostly little dark and depressing things. Or creepy. Here's one I wrote a couple of years ago: Tumbling down the rabbit-hole Tumbling down the rabbit-hole, Where the stuff of nightmare sleeps, Where the brink of madness peeps. Tumbling down the rabbit-hole, Where the shadows move and groan, And I fear I'm tumbling all alone. Tumbling down the rabbit-hole, Where the light fears to shine, Where the darkness swallows things divine. Tumbling down the rabbit-hole, My thoughts feel lost to me, Stolen and consumed will never be free. Tumbling down the rabbit-hole, Where shadows move and groan, And I fear I'm tumbling all alone.
Umbee's picture
Submitted by Umbee on Mon, 09/18/2006 - 10:37
Sweet, a fellow lover of depressing poetry. It jus would not be any good to read if it were happy and cheerful!
Gatsu's picture
Submitted by Gatsu on Tue, 09/19/2006 - 10:03
So true. And its always fun to put a dark/twisted story in there somewhere.

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