Why I rarely play H2 anymore......


Shared on Sun, 06/25/2006 - 12:25

Actually there are many reasons, but this one in particular is, too me at least, the most dissapointing one.  As well as one that will probably make me even less popular than I am now on 2o2p. 

So, I was in a room last night, hoping that MikeJames would make it out for the DrunkFest, which is really the only time I play H2 anymore, when I found a game with people from the site.  Great, I thought, it is open so I do not need an invite, another thing that is hard to come by anymore and another reason I rarely play H2 anymore.  Anyway after finsihng the current game, I believe it was Capture the Flag, anthoer game of Capture the Flag was started on Coag.  Yes, not a game must of us would wish for, but it was still a game.  After a few minutes of this game, many of the players began to bail out of the game, finally only leaving on team.  GAME OVER.  I check my friends list and realize that all the people from the other team have started another room, this time invite only.  I check the room I am in, and realize that no one in the room is on my friends list.  Long story short, I was deemed unworthy of an invite to this other room.  Why did I join the site, why did I branch off from the clan that I helped start in order to start another clan for new members?  Just so I could aviod this type of BULLSHIT.  So, I had hoped for a fun filled evening of drunken H2, and ended up dejected and rejected. 

I dont know, maybe it is me.  Perhaps some of you who read this blog might want to give me a few recomendations on what I need to do better, so I can be worthy of a game invite.


FadeIntoBlack's picture
Submitted by FadeIntoBlack on Tue, 06/27/2006 - 17:21
Hey Umbee, Drop that fucking tool game and come play WoW like the old days. :) Bring AG.
G00mper's picture
Submitted by G00mper on Sun, 06/25/2006 - 13:32
Hey Umbee. I was in that game with you, good to see you. We all started dropping from that game, it was getting too long. I followed Sha into a room with Phreaks and Drewsky. I thought I sent you an invite, sorry if I didnt. If you dont get an invite to a game, people may just not realize youre their. Send out a message to fish for an invite - I ususally spam my whole friends list when I sign on. :-)
doodirock's picture
Submitted by doodirock on Sun, 06/25/2006 - 13:53
Yeah, I dont see why you didnt just send out for an invite. I can tell you this. There is no way in hell that Drewsky would not want any member from the site in his party. Him and almost anyone else in that party could care less.
Kung_Fu_Fenster's picture
Submitted by Kung_Fu_Fenster on Sun, 06/25/2006 - 15:09
Try not to misinterpret other gamers inattention to pop-up messages and drunkness as rudeness. I really doubt any of what happened could be intentionally directed against you. Im always happy to extend invites to any friend / clan members. Hope to game w/ you soon Umbee!
Rock's picture
Submitted by Rock on Sun, 06/25/2006 - 15:18
Sorry to hear about the bad experience bro. Post whores are always welcome in my parties. Long time, no play. Lets hook up sometimes. :P
meemoos's picture
Submitted by meemoos on Sun, 06/25/2006 - 15:34
Send Mee a FR UMBEE, Ill hang with ya.
KingDrewsky's picture
Submitted by KingDrewsky on Sun, 06/25/2006 - 19:05
There was no secret conspiracy to exclude you from the festivities last night, Umbee. The party leader had set that Coag game to first to 3 instead of 4 rounds, so the game would have gone on indefinately. We tried to inform him to end the game, but I dont think he was getting the message. Someone dropped out of the party and started a different room. A few of us got invites and left the game. I apologize for not realizing you had been left behind. If you had sent a message to me, I would have sent you an invite. We typically keep rooms invite only because some people dont keep a groomed friends list and we dont want random timmies showing up and ruining the party. Sorry about this, man.
goodolplumber's picture
Submitted by goodolplumber on Sun, 06/25/2006 - 19:10
Hey Umbee your always welcome to a 2old2play South Friday Night Fragfest, also you can play again with us on Saturday night.The festivities began at 12 am cst.
tarbs's picture
Submitted by tarbs on Mon, 06/26/2006 - 13:48
send me an FR or i will send you one. anytime you see me online shoot me a message. if i am in an invite only game i will send you the invite. if the others in the game dont like it they can bite me :) i like to play invite only to eliminate the timmies.

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