

Shared on Mon, 02/26/2007 - 11:48
Well, now I hope I get laid has been banned as a web page I can visit while at work.  This is the most terrible thing ever!


BalekFekete's picture
Submitted by BalekFekete on Mon, 02/26/2007 - 11:52
NotStyro's picture
Submitted by NotStyro on Mon, 02/26/2007 - 11:55
Banned at my workplace also. If you can't wait for your 2o2p fix, you can always try a proxy or anonymizer (until they get banned).
Fetal's picture
Submitted by Fetal on Mon, 02/26/2007 - 11:55
well, if you'd have stopped watching porn in the nsfw section this might not have happened.
nomodifier's picture
Submitted by nomodifier on Mon, 02/26/2007 - 11:58
Gatsu's picture
Submitted by Gatsu on Mon, 02/26/2007 - 12:04
dude. that sucks.
OldManRiver48's picture
Submitted by OldManRiver48 on Mon, 02/26/2007 - 12:12
Get some work done jackass!!!!!!! I mean that sucks. :)
Bodaget's picture
Submitted by Bodaget on Mon, 02/26/2007 - 14:51
You were probably cheating on the site and doodi band you. hahahaha suck it

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