

Shared on Thu, 11/08/2007 - 19:00

Today I forgot my cell phone.

+1, no electronic leash to hold me down.

-1, no electronic leash to keep me in the loop or hear from the boy when he gets home from school.

+1, you can survive without a cell phone, like we did ten years ago.  Maybe fifteen.

-1, you become really neurotic being out of the loop.


Damn you, instant gratification!  I don't even have a beeper for backup! 

I gotta go home soon.  There could be a roving gang of rabid circus monkeys destroying my house and I'd be oblivious.  Who's gonna tell the kid to grab the video camera?


Ain't nothin' to a G. 


J-Cat's picture
Submitted by J-Cat on Thu, 11/08/2007 - 19:12
see obviously you haven't been doing your parenting properly: Rule#1: if there are rabid mokeys get the camera first, save any siblings/old people later! Geez this is the next generation we are talking about , ya gotta do your job right ;-) (just kididng, your kid sounds responsible enough to tape the whole thing!)
Brains's picture
Submitted by Brains on Thu, 11/08/2007 - 20:16
I like to "forget" my cell phone in places where I can't be pestered by that noise it sometimes makes. I think it's called "ringing" or some such... Whatever that noise is, I don't like it.. :D
NotStyro's picture
Submitted by NotStyro on Thu, 11/08/2007 - 23:14
Pfft! I don't even own a cell phone. My employer gave me a phone for work, but if I'm not on-shift or on-call the thing is off. I just tell people to call the land-line and leave a message or send an email.
Devonsangel's picture
Submitted by Devonsangel on Fri, 11/09/2007 - 06:55
Noooo, not the roving gang of rabid circus monkeys!

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