The Force is calm....


Shared on Fri, 09/14/2007 - 18:47

After the blazing rant yesterday and taking Kwazy's advice, most of my problems were addressed today.

The soon-to-be ex:  Grew the hell up.  She started answering pointed questions about financial issues.  I guess she felt the pressure on her credit rating without me ever firing a warning shot.  Getting some shit settled now.

The Claims Adjuster:  After the numerous phone calls, she has a crony call me with some digits.  The happy place is where the numbers promised and the numbers given matched.  And I've got a fuckton of receipts to turn in that will up that amount a fair bit.  And the mechanic wants to keep the car, so I'm selling him the salvage at my cost, +41 cents to make an even dollar.  Nobody wants to fuck around with pennies.

The Doctor:  Still a cunt.  Oh well.  I guess a 66% balance is more than enough for a Friday.

And here's a pic of the Mommymobile, prior to tint. Tint goes in on Tuesday. w00t!

Hope your weekend starts as good as mine has! 


jackal857's picture
Submitted by jackal857 on Fri, 09/14/2007 - 18:59
Nice car Mass
FatalPoison's picture
Submitted by FatalPoison on Sun, 09/16/2007 - 17:59
I'd trade ya my soccer mom Van for that car any day!!
UnwashedMass's picture
Submitted by UnwashedMass on Sun, 09/16/2007 - 18:09
Not really- buty it makes greeat print.
Kwazy's picture
Submitted by Kwazy on Sat, 09/15/2007 - 09:20
Did you really hand out stink-bills? :D

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