Friday blues...


Shared on Fri, 12/29/2006 - 15:35

I'm off of work until Tuesday, so why the blues you ask?  The wife leaves to go to Texas for three weeks tomorrow.  It'll be me and the boy playing geographical bachelors fo a while.  While having the house to yourself is nice, three weeks just plain sucks.  She's going to be taking care of her ailing father, but we miss New Years.  It's our first holiday, so I'm bummed.  Oh well, we'll have at least 50 more before I croak of whatever finally gets my number.  I'm just not looking forward to eating takeout and ramen noodles for that long- guess I'll have to go get some steaks!

The boy wanted to get Mom a gift card to Build-a-Bear Workshop so that they could do something together.  I thought this was an awesome idea, some time together and every parent loves something made by their child as a gift.  So I bust out with $100 gift card, with some bonus cash from the store and they can build two animals with no worries about cost. 

Then they tell me I have to go with them. 

I don't mind going with them, I love spending time with them, but the fact I have to go to the ONLY mall in our area that has one is getting my Agent Orange to act up.  Every time I go to that mall, I wanna curbstomp somebody.  The place is an absolute craphole outside of the holidays, but it is one of the Lower Rings of Hades during the holiday season. 

So, I'll put on my happy face, grit my teeth and promise myself not to headbutt any rude people.  I have been sober for nine weeks come Sunday, but damn if Build-a-Bear isn't the biggest threat to my sobriety! 


Raiz3R's picture
Submitted by Raiz3R on Fri, 12/29/2006 - 15:44
dude.....ramen noodles rocks
OldManRiver48's picture
Submitted by OldManRiver48 on Fri, 12/29/2006 - 20:04
Just blow up some sh** online and take your boy out the next day to shoot beer bottles with his b-b gun and Dad can show em what a a "real" gun will do to them too, huh, HUH ! Whatdaya think????????? Dad'll feel mo bettuh. :)
RyanFromVegas's picture
Submitted by RyanFromVegas on Fri, 12/29/2006 - 20:25
I read somewhere that they tested mens stress level at malls during the holidays...they said we feel the same amount of stress as a fighter pilot in combat.
Gatsu's picture
Submitted by Gatsu on Sat, 12/30/2006 - 11:48
Dude sorry to hear that man...Build a Bear is not my idea of a fun afternoon. Maybe you can create some horrid perversion of an animal! MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You gonna be on Live tonight man? I need more Gears goodness and now I think I may be up for joining you and Fu again. lol. Hang in there.

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