Homework Blues


Shared on Thu, 02/08/2007 - 21:33

Being a Dad is a tough job.  Many of you know it, and have it much tougher than I do.  I've been pretty blessed for the most part, but these past few years of school have really tested my limits.  And my boy's limits as well.

I got custody of my son when he was 4 and a half.  He was very traumatized by the entire stuation he had been in with his birth mother and was very needy.  At that age he still had trouble getting to the bathroom on time, he couldn't handle social situations very well and was constantly sick  with the sniffles and colds.  His only entertainment for a very long time was the television.  He didn't have many books, he didn't have many toys and all of his clothes were either purchased by me on the rare occasions when he visited or were hand-me-downs.  He and his mother were living with her boyfriend's brother and he was made to be as absolutely quiet as possible for fear of eviction.  He was abused.  I can't prove the physical, but I damn sure can attest to mental.

When I was four and a half, I could read.  I could read well.  I did kindergarten in two weeks before they put me in first with other kids my age.  I was still the youngest in class, but I'm a summer kid.  They tried to put me in second when I showed my aptitude for learning.  They tried again in the fifth grade, but my mother did not want me to be subject to the social complications that would bring.  I loafed through HS and still made the Honor Roll when I wanted to.  Most of the time I just passed the tests and loafed some more.  he point I'm trying to make is not that I'm smarter than anyone, or that I'm better.  My point is that from a VERY early age, my mother had a book in my hand.  I learned to love to read and still do.  Before I was ever enrolled in school, I could read and understand more than most.  I got upset when I was told that the words in Sherlock Holmes were too big for me- I had a dictionary, right?  Gimme the dang book.  (I never did read them, though!)  My point is that if you give a child the right dang stimulus, it will thrive.  My kid had the TV.  I had Roald Dahl.

When I was in the fifth grade the teachers did not push like they do today.  Heck, my boy had homework in kindergarten!  I would have been prepared, my son was not; IS not.  He struggles every day.  I see the pain in his eyes when he is trying to understand what he is reading, I see the hurt look when he has to come ask for help.  It kills me, when I KNOW that there is some serious intelligence in him.  You give him a real-world situation or problem, he'll bang out a common sense (well, as much sommon sense as a 10 yo can muster) answer, and be pretty slose most of the time.  You write that same problem on a piece of paper, and he's lost.  He's demoralized and de-motivated by the trouble this brings and I can't seem to get him fired up to break through it.  He runs into a hurdle, he'll either sit there and zone out (a product of his neglect, the kid can go to Mars in his head), or he'll fidget and wind up getting into trouble.

One of his early teachers was the first with the 'medicatemedicatemedicate' mantra.  She was not fit to teach little ones- proven by the fact that she moved to the upper level grades the next year.  We looked into it and found that the FIRST thing advocated is Vision Therapy.  He went into the therapy and ended up completing it SEVEN weeks early.  He can see better than most of us, and now he can get it on paper when he wants.  The next step is....?

We has a few good years where he did pretty good, but the last two have been a sheer test of will for him.  And us.  He will downright refuse to do homework sometimes, he will take punishment and grounding over homework.  We are at the point that his lack of focus seems intentional. 

For the first time, we are considering medicating him.  We have tried changing diet, making sure the schedule is kept, that he has a quiet, well-lit place to do his work.  We have done everything that we have heard, read, or had an idea about.  Supplements, study tools, you name it.  I'm worried that using medication as a solution will cause him to be dependant as an adult.

I have all the arguments against it, and I am one of the most vocal when it comes to my own son.  But I'm at the end of my wits.  I guess I'm looking for permission or validation, or stories that will help me figure this out.  Anybody?


Fetal's picture
Submitted by Fetal on Thu, 02/08/2007 - 22:07
his life sounds kinda like mine except he moved from a worse situation to a better one after you gained custody. i went the other way, my dad died and i was left with a mom who didn't want me...(read my first blog post if you want the back story). i was pretty much the same. i did poorly in school at first, television was my only friend, and i was subject to a bit of mental abuse nd had to witness physical abuse when i lived with spouse abuser grandfather. i was never medicated, i just learned how to be independant. i have trouble speaking with people person to person now because of this, and have a ton of trust issues, but overall i believe i've adjusted well. i did this without the benefit of any kind of role model. your child has a role model in you. i believe in time he'll right himself, but not right now. he's a young child. he's acting the way he does and doesn't even understand why he's doing it. he'll only be able to change when he's aware of his situation at about 16-18. until then i'd say the meds are a good idea, but monitor them closely. my brother is autistic and has been on many meds since he was 8. they are basically a trial and error method. some meds work well, others make the situation worse. make sure you educate yourself on any drugs prior to accepting any prescription from his pediatrician. i say this not because i believe his doc doesn't care what he gives, but because many doctors just prescibe whatever drug a rep has pushed on them lately (i have family in medical profesion). sometimes they misunderstand what you're trying to accomplish so make that clear as well. some doctors may prescibe a drug that will make your child look fine to you, but is really just a sedative or stimulant that has no real long term change in his behavior or emotions. i have no doubt you'll do fine in this area. as for the therapy...well, when i was in military school, it was mandatory for me. i hated every minute of it. the shrink who worked with us was an idiot and pretty much tried to provoke us at every turn to get a reaction out of us, and then teach us how our reactions were wrong. you can't force someone to like therapy, and therapy imo only works if the prticipant is willing. as for school work, i was never one who enjoyed school. i enjoyed the learning, but not the mindless assignments. it took military school to make me get the great grades, and even then i was only forced to do the work. college is where i really learned how to be independant. and his behavior problems...if he's become physically abusive, then something has to be done. there are support sites out there for parents. i'd google them. hope this helps in any way.
UnwashedMass's picture
Submitted by UnwashedMass on Fri, 02/09/2007 - 00:08
Thanks Fetal. We've had him in therapy since he came to live with us. He saw his mother try to commit suicide, watched her get her stomach pumped. We thought that was a number one priority. He enjoys going, knows that it for his benefit and is active in it. He's pretty well adjusted, not violent or abusive and is one of the best behaved kids I know of. I took him to the West Coast LAN last year and everybody thought he was cool beans. Like I said, I'm blessed. It's the school issues that are kicking our butts. I have thought of military school, but I don't think it would be a good fit for him. As an adult decision maybe, but not for now. I really appreciate the info on the medication issues. I've never had to medicate, and would seriously investigate any possibilities. Thanks for reading and responding, you have definitely given me some food for thought.
Devonsangel's picture
Submitted by Devonsangel on Fri, 02/09/2007 - 04:26
I wish I could help or provide some profound words of wisdom. I can't. I don't have children of my own so any opinion I might have about medication is moot. Do your homework, talk to his therapist, talk to other doctors. Get educated.
TexasTwister55's picture
Submitted by TexasTwister55 on Thu, 02/22/2007 - 15:06
I would seriously consider counseling with a Christian counselor,and having him tested for emotional problems and/or learning disabilities. He could be dyslexic, he could be depressed.Given the background, I strongly suspect that depression is an issue. I know from experience. It will have to be a process of elimination, and the answer may not come quickly or be the one you want it to be.

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