On the road again...


Shared on Wed, 08/09/2006 - 00:46

As of noon on Thursday, I'm off to Europe. For a birthday party no less!
Down side, it's in France. :x
Semi-upside, it's in the south of France.
Upside, I get to go to Normandy from there!!! :D

I'll be gone for 10 days, back for three, then off to Denver for 5. My 360 is gonna get lonely... :cry:

As I said in a previous post, I'd almost skip the whole bs for ten days with no fam and my copy of crackhounds. 8O

Normandy is the only reason. And I might get to t-bag a frog. :P

BTW, here's a pic of my godson and I at my birthday party. He's a good lookin little feller, ain't he?


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