Three days to go...


Shared on Tue, 01/16/2007 - 17:14

Until the Wifey returns from her loooooong three week trip back to see her Dad.  We've been at odds for a while and she's been doing dome serious reflection.  I've had fifteen weeks of concentrated effort to make sure she knows she is loved and respected, and her most frequent response is "Why did it take six years for you try?" .  I sit at home, throwing myself into the 360 and taking care of the boy trying to just get through it.

When she left, we were on great terms, my hard work was beginning to show results.  It's not really hard work, but changing habits is tough for me.  I can adapt on the fly at work , but doing the same in my day-today realtionship is not as simple.  I wanted her to feel safe and see how much she means to me.  I quit drinking, Sunday was 11 weeks sober.  I haven't been to any Alanon meetings, but prefer to go it solo.  I don't want to get caught in someone else's tragedy, I have my own drama.  Don't worry, I have a supprt net, I know my limitations and I know that I can do this solo.  I quit for me and selfish reasons are usually the best at stiffening the resolve.  The wife has attended a meeting back in Texas and told me that I'm destined to fail if I don't get group support.  I've been in different groups and know how they are all styled after the 12-step system of resolution/absolution, admittance of error and taking of responsibility.  I have done all of these things and am able to look people in the eye.  There is no shame in me.  There is regret, but nothing can be done except move forward with purpose. 

I am living in constant fear of my marriage failing.  I am wondering if I have made too many mistakes, hurt too many feelings for her to trust me anymore.  I had a friend say to me that trust is the most important aspect of a marriage, because love without trust will drive you mad with fear.  I have not been unfaithful, but her fear of my past transgressions coming back to visit is making her pull away.  Fifteen weeks, even longer than I spent in boot camp, is just a start.  I tild her that one small step a day, back from the fear, one small step towards trusting me with her heart, and we will have many happy years to come.

I chose her to be in my life forever.  She chose me, and I let her down with my careless neglect of her emotions.  We are all responsible with how we let the world affect us, but when you get daily doses of little hurts, soon you become full of them and they won't go away.  Scar tissue builds and sometimes it takes years for it to go away.

Here's to hoping that she doesn't have too many scars to see the love I hold.  It's up to her now. 


UnwashedMass's picture
Submitted by UnwashedMass on Wed, 01/17/2007 - 14:16
And everybody else, since I'm a scatterbrained idjit right now.
Knaab's picture
Submitted by Knaab on Tue, 01/16/2007 - 17:27
Hang in there bro and keep up the good work. She will notice even if she doesnt say she does. Women are like that. You just keep on doin the right things by her and your family and you will get through it. Love conquers all brother.....
MikeJames's picture
Submitted by MikeJames on Tue, 01/16/2007 - 17:32
With all the problems I've been through and currently having, all I can say is good luck, trust me, you're not alone. MJ
UnwashedMass's picture
Submitted by UnwashedMass on Tue, 01/16/2007 - 17:34
Thanks peeps. The only meance to my sobriety lately was having four screaming ten year olds in the house this weekend. Man, a Quaker would want a beer after that! :) Here's to hoping.
DarthClem's picture
Submitted by DarthClem on Tue, 01/16/2007 - 19:41
Keep fighting the good fight, brother. Marriage is hard work. I'll be thinking of you.
dkhodz's picture
Submitted by dkhodz on Thu, 02/01/2007 - 22:26
Amen and amen. The hard part is maintaining your resolve after things get better between you. Keep your past actions in mind as you redevelop your trust and eventually the good habits will replace the bad and you can begin to relax again and be natural.
OldManRiver48's picture
Submitted by OldManRiver48 on Tue, 01/16/2007 - 21:16
Unconditional Love is a term thats easy to throw around but hard to fulfill. She's had time to get all the girl talk and advice from many sources on the situation/s over the last few weeks. Most of us hear and absorb what we want to-aka pick & choose. She may have her mind made up that you need to attend some of these said meetings. Maybe you do for the sake of your wives feelings and your marriage, she probably wants/expects that acknowledement. I dont doubt your grip on the situation it sounds you know your strengths/weaknesses. She may have this line in the sand that you need to cross before you two can move forward. Past emotional scars are tough, this is what forms of Phsycology address. It helps people re-interpet/evaluate things in the past that still hurt or effect their lives. We truly are in charge of our emotions, the trick is to control them. If you or your Wife change your feelings about past issues/ HAVE changed the past. Hmmm....some say it cant be done, but yes you can change the past. Thats one of the only ways to help many people with abuse/molestation/assault problems etc,maybe the only way to get past these horrendous acts. It can work for your situation too, and its a smaller hill to climb for sure. I'm not saying to see a Phsycologist, merely stating that is a big part of what they do......and these things are achievable! Dont wait for time to heal these things, deal with the parts you think you can handle and work from there. Dont forget the little stuff man, when she said she cleaned the house......dont forget or let her remind you she did.........compliment her-and the new hairdo that you cant tell that looks any different. They need this man.......because it gets to a point that no amount of "all the right things" will make ANY difference. Take care Brutha! :)
UnwashedMass's picture
Submitted by UnwashedMass on Wed, 01/17/2007 - 11:54
Thx OMR. 'Preciate the advice.

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