My entertainment center is crying.....


Shared on Sun, 02/25/2007 - 15:20
I don't wanna go through another console war. I love to see the fights and I love to see the BS fly. My problem is my entertainment center cant take another surge. I need to stop buying all this crap.
I sat down and thought about it today.

I have purchased in my life the following systems,

Atari 2600
Game Boy
Super Nintendo
Xbox 360

and finally the Wii....

Now with each of these systems ( I still have 5 of them hooked up) I must have spent a  minimum of around $300.00, I know thats high for some and low for others. (I'm in Canada too) . Thats a total of $2700.00... My god. This dosen't include the Games, controllers, gadgets and other shit I get.
My stupid entertainment center is dying. I'm not kidding. IT CREEKS!!
Anyway I wanna see anyone else's gear and set up. I'm new to the site so I'm not sure if we have a thread like this but if you can post pictures or if there is a thread showing our gear off let me know..... or post your pic here,


ProvingUnique's picture
Submitted by ProvingUnique on Sun, 02/25/2007 - 16:53
Classic NES rocks!

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