Starting to want a PS3


Shared on Sat, 04/07/2007 - 06:55
I have a PS2, I used to have a PS1 but its long lost in the shit storm of life. I got the Xbox 360 over a year ago and I love it. I didn't think I would ever want to drop the 7 bills to get a PS3. I find myself reading about it. Looking at prices, checking games.
Is this system worth it? I mean really? Can anyone that has already bought one say they are happy with it? I picked up the Wii and I love it. Is the PS3 just a fancy PS2? Is it really any better? Let me know..... I'm looking for serious reasons to not get it and some serious reasons to get it......


BalekFekete's picture
Submitted by BalekFekete on Sat, 04/07/2007 - 08:01
Ironically, I was talking about this to a colleague in the office just yesterday... The way I see it, unless you have the 1080p HDTV, and believe that Blu-Ray will be the winning standard in the next gen DVD wars, I can't think of a good reason to buy the PS3. It's by far and away the most expensive option out there for pure gaming, and has - discounting the Wii due to the market they're going after - the weakest game lineup by far. Is that Sony's fault...well, yes and no. Yes because they are late to the next gen gaming console party, but no for the same reason. It took the 360 a solid year to get off the dock and really set sail towards greatness. So should we expect the same thing from Sony? *shrugs* Either way...talking today, I just don't see the ROI in the purchase. In a year, sure, it might be a much stronger option when some of those unknowns (the format battle and the game library) sort themselves out. But for the time being, I'd wager that $700 could be better used. B.

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