Dead Island: A Review With Braaaaiiiins!


Shared on Sat, 09/10/2011 - 11:27

Since Tuesday, I've been playing the shit out of Dead Island. I've managed to lose 12-15 combined hours of sleep so far, and starting my weekend today won't help that matter. I don't care, though... as the OC said, this game is fucking awesome!

While Dead Island utilizes gameplay mechanics from other games, it can't be compared to them - it's a standalone work of art. It's like a mixed drink - each part is fine on its own, but the overall combination is so awesome that it knocks you on your ass. The open world setting, quest log & weapons upkeep are similar to Fallout 3; whereas the XP/leveling and tiered skills trees are like those in Borderlands. Workbench stations allow you to create combo weapons, as in Dead Rising 2 (this is also where weapon repair & upkeep is done). The Undead themselves remind me of your Left 4 Dead 2 variety, faster & more conscious, not lumbering about like fucking morons with lead feet (and don't forget the 4 player co-op). That's where I stop with the comparisons - each of these is woven amazingly into Dead Island in such a way that it's still its own game... and what a game it is!

Story, or what little I will tell of it:  First off, you play as one of four characters, each uniquely specializing in a different weapons style (throwing, sharp, blunt, and firearms weapons). Your character wakes up on the island of Banoi (a fictional island off the coast of Papua New Guinea), finding him/herself to be immune to whatever force is creating the big-tittied bikini zombie babes... with iPods. (Note: while there is a vast assortment of Undead for your slaying pleasure, you can't help but take notice of the abundant zombie boobage.) You meet up with other survivors (all vulnerable to zombification), and you go on various missions - gathering supplies, restoring power, destroying waves of zombies, etc. I'm being vague, I admit - there is no lack of story, I just don't want to spoil anything in my hopes that you'll play it.

The setting is absolutely fucking gorgeous. Banoi is a lush tropical paradise, compared to the grit & grime of Dead Island's predecessors. Dark, unsettling environments are also featured within the game, but are also offset by Banoi's beauty. The environment actually contributes greatly to the horror & scare factor. You're walking through an area dense with trees & hills, or through the resort with all its structures & paths, and suddenly the piercing scream of the Undead comes with no idea where the fuck it just came from. It puts you on your guard & then you capture the true essence of Dead Island:  survival. Although you have a cornucopia of zombie slaying tools at your disposal, you need to be strategic and pick your battles (which, if you're playing with me, I tend to sound the trumpet & fiercely lead the charge).

I did want to challenge one or two of the circulating criticisms surrounding this game. First, one reviewer said you can kick your way throughout the game. You, sir, for lack of a better term, are a fucking idiot. You clearly didn't spend more than 15 minutes with the game. While the kick is the only unblockable "attack" in the game, it's more of a defense mechanism to push back a zombie when in close quarters. It's only effective as an "attack" in the first couple levels, before the zombies start to level up. Try kicking a Level 20 zombie, you're only going to piss him off further (not to mention it won't do shit to him). Another reviewer said there was no regenerating health. Now, I've only played with Sam B (the blunt weapons expert), but his skills tree includes a slow health regeneration (10, 15, and 20% per minute, depending on how many skill points are applied). I can't verify if any other playable character would have a similar perk. Besides, it adds to the sense of survival. Another reviewer called the AI "beyond stupid", claiming he had to restart due to an AI guide losing his pathing & became unable to complete a mission. My character is currently at Level 26, and in all the missions I've completed, none had an AI guide show that level of stupidity. Hell, they'll jump into battle & fight off a zombie with you!

This is one of the better games I've played in a while, and it will surely continue to suck the very life out of me as I continue to lose sleep. Awesome! It's time to hunt down some lunch, so I'm out of here...


OutcastB's picture
Submitted by OutcastB on Sat, 09/10/2011 - 11:38
Well said man. I read 1 other review that a person here at the site put in their blog and could tell that they wanted to go into the game and just rip it apart regardless of how good it is. It takes the best of 4 games and mashes it into 1... what is there to dislike? This game is even better when played in a group of 4... just watch out for the trucks ;)
VengefulJedi's picture
Submitted by VengefulJedi on Sat, 09/10/2011 - 14:19
Thanks Outcast! And there is one minor correction to what you said: just watch for the trucks... being driven by OutcastB! :)
Vix_Sundown's picture
Submitted by Vix_Sundown on Sat, 09/10/2011 - 18:02
Nice review. Thanks. That game sounds really good. I may have to check it out!
VengefulJedi's picture
Submitted by VengefulJedi on Sat, 09/10/2011 - 19:28
Thanks Vix, any time.

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