

Shared on Sat, 01/14/2012 - 14:19

I've encountered one minor drawback in my time spent playing SWTOR, which has nothing to do with the selling of my soul (which was dirt cheap, given I didn't actually pay for the game or the graphics card). For the last couple days, I've had pains in my mouse hand. I have a couple thoughts on what the root cause is:

* Carpal Tunnel
* Not used to PC gaming & I'm overdoing it
* The gods are punishing me for selling my soul.

Whatever the cause, I'm taking a brief break from the PC gaming. I'm trying to keep my mouse usage limited to work (since that's my money maker), and whatever gaming I do is with Sheila (my Xbox... yes, I named my Xbox). But I'm mostly trying to catch up on movies until I return.

Addition:  2012 fucking sucks so far! Aside from the health concerns, I just found out my female roommate is moving out today, due to altercations with the other roommate. This is going to be a fucked up weekend...


IBL1208's picture
Submitted by IBL1208 on Mon, 01/16/2012 - 00:54
it is my voodoo that have strucked u. I cirsed u for selling out to a pc game ;)
VengefulJedi's picture
Submitted by VengefulJedi on Mon, 01/16/2012 - 09:56
No Twinkies for you! ;)

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