Life "Evolving" With The Aid Of Magic And A Zamboni


Shared on Tue, 08/30/2011 - 21:59

The English novelist Arnold Bennett once wrote, "Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts." If there's one thing that remains a constant in my life, that thing is change. Just like the old saying that you can't get something for nothing, every chance in life also comes at a cost. This truth always reminds me of its presence, especially at work. During my tenure there, I've experienced a fair amount of growth & change. As life always finds a way, the living spirit of the company has even changed over time (I can't say "evolved"). One of those changes includes a maddening level of micromanaging - which, today, left me wanting to use my supervisor's head as a bowling ball! (I need Dead Island's zombie slaying sweetness to satisfy my bloodthirst & tame the savage beast... next Tuesday can't come quick enough). He has days where he'll meander about in "Dumbass Mode" & it's my responsibility to bring him back into reality. Today was such a day. His weakness is in reporting - not pulling accurate data, not comparing data to verify its validity. Anyway, I wasted the better part of today focusing on his bullshit. I resolved today's dilemmas, but am starting to wear thin. I need a change - and being robbed of the Level 2 position again, I await our departmental realignment in October. Details to follow... but not now, I'm exhausted.

On the gaming front, I picked up Dead Rising 2 over my weekend. The multiplayer is one of the most entertaining I've played in a while - it's Fuzion Frenzy meets Smash TV, with a shitload of zombies. One game put you in a Zamboni where you run over waves of zombies, harvest their blood, then shoot it into one of four clown mouths (which randomly open throughout the course of play). Another game puts you on a motorcycle equipped with chainsaw handlebars, and you roll through waves of zombies. Money earned in Ranked Play transfers to the single player game, which can be a tremendous help given the street cost of Zombrex (damn you, law of supply and demand). I'll be holding onto this title for a while, and it will fill the void until Dead Island releases next Tuesday. I've also been playing a lot of Magic The Gathering 2012. I have one achievement left to attain, for completing all the challenges. Last night, we (me & two friends) completed the Archenemy campaign, which made me want to pull my hair out (and would've, if not already rocking the chrome dome). Definitely an achievement EARNED.

Just one of the songs that have been swimming through my mind over the last few days...

Some Links I Found Interesting Over The Last Few Days:

USA Today Photos: Hurricane Irene
Facebook is facing the music - is Google calling the tune?
Skyrim Has Same-Sex Marriage
Skyrim Collector's Edition Revealed"


pp2's picture
Submitted by pp2 on Wed, 08/31/2011 - 05:14
Thats funny, I picked up DR2 used recently as well. Still haven't played it but I did give the prologue demo on Live a shot. Its only $5, I'll have to get that at some point once I get ready to play the main game.
VengefulJedi's picture
Submitted by VengefulJedi on Wed, 08/31/2011 - 07:30
I bought the prologue & I liked it. The single player is fun too - still need to construct a lightsaber (flashlight + gems, I never seem to possess both at once).

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