Shared on Sat, 09/15/2007 - 09:23Well I really do not blog thay often but since I got the red rings last sunday I have plenty of time to post and blog.I just do not understand why I have to wait for a empty box from MS .I just had a recall for my kids toys my wife went to the site they emailed us a prepaid postage printed it taped it to the box and it was on the way.Microsoft being a gaint software company you figure this would be easy for them.The way they do it I called sunday I got the box friday 5 days for an empty box.I dropped it off 10 minutes after I recieved it. So the way I got it figure out is they get by the end of the day wedsday 10 days of transit time from my first call.In them 10 days nothing is accomplished.A complete waste of time.Nintendo takes credit info sends a new Wii you send the old 1 back in the box of the new one .You send it back they do not charge you anything finished you have a happy customer.I understand an out right recall would be bad for them but what they should do is just replace the broke ones as they come in with brand new ones and they would slowly replace all of the faulty ones.The refurbished 360 seem to be break at the same rate as the others.Anyway just had to rant alittle.I guess I will be blogging again soon since I do not plan on recieving my 360 anytime soon.
- Vezz's blog
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