25 Things that Piss Me Off Just a Little Bit


Shared on Thu, 03/14/2013 - 13:05

Have you ever had those things that grate on you a little? I’m talking about things that don’t exactly make you angry, but your day would have been better off without. Here’s mine:

1. People who walk in to Wal-Mart through the exit door at the same time I’m trying to walk out. I mean, what the heck? The doors are clearly marked “Entrance” or “Exit”, right? The sign is there for a reason, people. Use it!
2. Twilight. Gack.
3. People who say “you’re welcome” before anyone has said “thank you.” Like when someone writes something they think is clever, and they (apparently) think their audience will be speechless. To help out, the writer has already saved them the trouble of saying thanks by pre-emptively writing a “you’re welcome”. Whenever I see this, I can’t help but roll my eyes.
(Note: The only exception to this might be boobs. Like if someone were to email me a picture of some boobs, and say “You’re welcome”. I think I would be okay with that.)
4. People who never put any subject lines in their emails. I’m okay with skipping it every now and then. It’s the chronic non-subject-line-users that I’m talking about here. How hard is it to write a damn subject?
5. Likewise, people who don’t put your name at the top of an email. Or write their name at the bottom.
6. People who email out a reminder for a meeting or whatever, but fail to include important information. Like the date. The time. Where the meeting is. I mean, why even mail that out?
7. Taylor Swift. Miley Cyrus. Justin Bieber. Lady Gaga. All of whom I know way more information about than I ever wanted to…
8. People who help themselves to coffee from your coffee pot without asking who don’t even work in your department. (Go get your own!)
9. When an iPhone won’t let you select the text that you want. I just want to drag the cursor a little bit more to the left… Why is that so hard to ask?
10. George Lucas and the Star Wars Prequels. (Okay, so maybe that belongs on a different list, a list of things that really DO piss me off!)
11. The full seasons of The Tick not being on DVD.
12. People who want to split the check equally but always order way more than anyone else.
13. Death.
14. When I’m just settling down to play Halo, and then I sense - through the Force - that my cat has taken a crap.
15. People who just go through the motions and never really think about life.
16. Going to empty a load of clothes from the dryer, and finding out that they aren’t totally dry yet.
17. People who can’t seem to figure out basic stuff, like swiping a credit card at the grocery store. It’s really not that complicated, lady! I hope I don’t become a complete moron who can’t function in basic society by the time I’m that old.
18. Drivers who tailgate me. Okay, so I’m not the fastest guy on the road. I’m an average to slow driver. But there’s snow on the road, dude! Back off a little, okay?
19. Gallon Smashing Prank. I hate teenagers. Unfortunately, it looks like the internet made the average I.Q. of the entire human race drop by a few points. Or more.
20. People on Xbox Live who like to incorporate their penchant for drug use into their gamertag, motto, or whatever. So let’s get this straight. Your drug use is so important to you that you literally define yourself by it? Honestly dude, besides you, who cares?
21. People who get upset about gay marriage. I mean, if the thought of marrying someone of the same sex bothers someone that much, the solution for that person is simple: Don’t do it!
22. The new trend of “serious” fairy tale movies. You know, Oz. Jack and the Beanstalk. Snow White and the Seven Whatevers...
23. Finding a problem with my house that could have easily been averted had the builder spent $3 more bucks. I mean, come on. No trap under the bathtub drain? How can it ever be cleaned out without sawing open the pipe?
24. Midwest Ohio accents. I’m not from around here. But although I’ve lived here 7 years, that nasally whine never ceases to get on my nerves. Since when does the short “a” sound have 2 syllables? Around here, if someone says “Apple,” it sounds more like “Eee-yaa pple”. And “Cat” sounds more like “Kee-yaat.” What the hell?
25. Catholic coworkers eating fish on Fridays. This makes absolutely no sense to me at all. Many of them gamble, drink, cuss, and do all sorts of other “sinful” things all the time. But no red meat on Fridays? Check!
P.S. No offense to my Catholic friends. I just said the fish thing doesn’t make sense to me, that’s all. And if it’s any consolation, I’m an atheist who will be going to hell in the end anyway, so it looks like you’ll get the last laugh!
Those are my thoughts on all that. You’re welcome.*
(*Note: I don’t really mean that. See #3, above.)


tocleora's picture
Submitted by tocleora on Thu, 03/14/2013 - 14:22

#1 drives me bonkers.  I agree completely.

I'm the opposite on #5. Your name is in the to, my name is in the from, I don't understand why people include signatures anymore honestly.

OMG card swipe - gas station you can swipe first then it asks questions. grocery store you have to tell it which type of card you want before you swipe.  Most will ask what type of card but then still accept your swipe and assume the type.  Or worse the grocery stores that you have to tell the cashier it's debit as well as pushing the debit button on the screen, why do I have to do both?!... Best Buy asks you 20 questions during a sales procedure.  Can we at least put the common questions in a predictable format?

Good read, thanks for sharing. :)

FadeIntoBlack's picture
Submitted by FadeIntoBlack on Fri, 03/15/2013 - 16:13

I agree.  Some of the signatures in my organization are crazy...I get it that you are proud of your supervisor position, but holy cow.  Same with credentials.  Example:

John Smith, B.S., MBA, CPSP, CPSM, CPM


Holy shit John, no one gives two flying fucks about all of your stupid titles.  I have a lot of my own, but it looks so pretentious I would never in a million years list it out. When my company asked us to all put our signatures down, I put my name in 12 point Times New Roman and put it down...nothing else...most of time i delete that as well.  If I get asked again, I'm going to go:

My Name, Webelo, H.S. Diploma, CCP Holder, Level 34/Rank 3 Prestige, DUI holder

JPNor's picture
Submitted by JPNor on Thu, 03/14/2013 - 14:35

I mostly agree but I admit I'm guilty of 18. I spend many hours a week driving in and around Boston, amongst the Massholes, where tailgating is just a way of life. When I'm back home in rural New Hampshire, I find myself behind a car doing the speed limit and don't realize I've been riding his ass until he pulls over to let me pass.

And regardless of the pre-emptive "You're welcome", boobs ALWAYS deserve a Thank You.

Snuphy's picture
Submitted by Snuphy on Thu, 03/14/2013 - 15:32

#4a, people who edit the subject line when they reply to a message.

tocleora's picture
Submitted by tocleora on Mon, 03/25/2013 - 17:01


OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
Submitted by OMGaLaserPewPew on Thu, 03/14/2013 - 17:20

Exits can also be entrances. 

You're welcome.

Vix_Sundown's picture
Submitted by Vix_Sundown on Fri, 03/15/2013 - 13:59

Oh my God, that just made me laugh out loud for real!

Thanks for the comments, guys.

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