New Games, New Fun


Shared on Mon, 07/18/2011 - 17:05

I bought some more games recently, and am trying to clean up (i.e. FINISH) some of my older games. I just can't go on to new games without finishing the old! Here are some of what I've been into lately. (Note: These are generally considered old games. But I don't care cuz they're new to me!)

1. Call of Duty: World at War - I'm getting pretty tired of this game, actually. It's fun at first, but starts becoming a grind to just get through the levels. I've died OVER and OVER and OVER... It can be really frustrating. I just want to finish it so I can go on to better things. I finally beat the American campaign, I think. Now I've just gotta finish up the Russion one.

2. Transformers: War for Cybertron - What a great game!  But it is, unfortunately, very addictive! The Multiplayer, I mean. I've maxxed out my levels as Scout, Leader, and Soldier. But I have 10 more levels to go as a Scientist, which is a class that I hate playing. The 5x XP forever that they just added helps a lot, but it's still taking a while. But I'm looking forward to when it happens. Because that's when you unlock Prime mode. And I just know that when that happens, the skies will part, light will shine down, a cheesy 80's synthesizer will crank up, and a voice will sing out, "You got the touch! You got the power! YEAH!!!"

3. Portal - Finally finished this baby, the original. Took me a while, but I didn't have to look up help online or anything. It was engaging, but I got kind of tired of it midway through. The much-lauded cake jokes that I had heard about got REALLY old fast for me. I'm glad it's finally done.

4. Bayonetta - Just got this. What a game! I'm loving it. It is so over-the-top in the sexiness that it just becomes a parody, and a pretty funny one too. Never thought I would like playing as a female protagonist (just not my thing), but I'm looking forward to playing the rest of this one!

5. Dante's Inferno. Ditto. It's not a funny game, but it just seems like a lot of fun to me. But I did have one WTF moment playing it so far. I mean, the dude sewed a red cross into his chest? Say what? Now that's just gross. Talk about taking body piercing to a whole 'nother level!

On the road now. Sadly, no Xbox for me. Looks like I'll be playing Yahoo Chess the next few nights. Getting my ass kicked :)

Later, friends! 




YEM's picture
Submitted by YEM on Mon, 07/18/2011 - 17:25
I loved playing as a scientist in transformers!! Come flying in, transform/set off shockwave, finish off the rest with shotgun!
agedsandshark's picture
Submitted by agedsandshark on Mon, 07/18/2011 - 18:24
you got the touch you got the power YEA
buckeye75's picture
Submitted by buckeye75 on Mon, 07/18/2011 - 19:04
You thought sewing a cross into his chest was over the top? Just wait. It goes way farther than that.
VenomRudman's picture
Submitted by VenomRudman on Mon, 07/18/2011 - 22:46
W@W? I sure hope you're not playing on Vet. The rain of grenades is INSANE! And other than that, there are a few levels that will make you want to through your xbox through the window. Good luck with the tanks!
zombiekitten's picture
Submitted by zombiekitten on Tue, 07/19/2011 - 09:29
YAY for Bayonetta!! You need to get Alice too :D
Vix_Sundown's picture
Submitted by Vix_Sundown on Tue, 07/19/2011 - 18:03
Haha, good comments. Thanks guys!
Vix_Sundown's picture
Submitted by Vix_Sundown on Tue, 07/19/2011 - 18:13
YEM, Dude, that's hard! I haven't gotten the hang of it yet. Agedsandshark, Oh, yeah. You know what I'm talkin' about buddy! Buckeye75, Seriously? Wow. Sounds crazy. VenomRudman, No way, man. I'm just playing on Regular, and it seem super hard to me! Maybe I just suck at that game :) Zombiekitten, Alice? Thanks, I may have to check that out. I really didn't think I would like Bayonetta, but I got totally sucked in. That is a great game.
Vix_Sundown's picture
Submitted by Vix_Sundown on Sat, 07/23/2011 - 11:18
YEM, I've been trying that out. Wow, it really works. I actually got my first 7 kill streak doing that! Finally finished W@W. No wonder it was so hard - I was playing on "Hardened"! Oh well, it's done :) On to better things!

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