Random Thoughts of the Day


Shared on Wed, 03/06/2013 - 15:16

1. Taylor Swift is really pretty ugly. Looks like a frail specter about to keel over. And she's got that weird bucked-tooth smile. She's been talking smack about Tina Fey and Amy Poehler. Not cool, Taylor. Not cool at all.

2. Lady Gaga is too weird. I don't like her. One thing that bothers me is how she preaches to her fans or little monsters or whatever that they need to "be themselves", when she herself is anything but. Being yourself is overrated, as Gaga well knows. If she's so into being herself, why hide behind all the masks and stupid outfits?

3. I saw the movie "The Master". Really disappointing. My review is up on Amazon, located here:


4. My oldest son ran a mile this last weekend, at 9 years old. He's still getting straight A's too. I'm really proud of him.

5. Last night I had a bad dream. Woke myself up shouting. I don't want to talk about it.

5. My dad sent me $100 for my birthday. That was cool. I called him to thank him. The longer we talked, the more out of breath he got. He was out hunting hogs with his friend Chuck. He was hiking up a steep hill, somewhere out in the sticks near the Brazos river. (Texas, of course. He never leaves home.) I asked what town he was close to, and he said they'd passed Woodson - population 296. That's my dad for you.

6. Jillian Michaels. Gay, yet oddly hot...

7. I wish I hadn't sold all my Transformers from when I was a kid.

8. I now have my first publishing credit. The company is Amarillo Design Bureau, maker of "Star Fleet Battles". In their magazine called "Captain's Log", they just published issue 46, which includes a scenario I wrote and submitted, called "Flight of the Takwin". They sent me a free copy. In issue 47 coming up, they are publishing a short story I wrote called "Into the Eagles Nest". But it all came at a price. The editor is a complete jerk. I will never submit anything to him again.

9. Feeling sorry for myself leads to shitty blog posts like this one. Time to cheer up!

10. In Halo, I finally have a decent K/D (well, over 1, which is good enough for me anyway...). It only took 3 different Xbox Halo games over the course of 3 years for me to finally get there :)

11. I'll be setting a new running record for myself this week. On a related note, I found an interesting blog called www.shutupandrun.net. The only bad part about it is the author likes to talk about farts a lot. I mean, seriously. In every blog post. What's up with that?

12. There's snow outside. In March.

13. Dark Souls and Gotham City Impostors are both really fun games. But no one in the clan plays them! Arrrrgh!!!

14. Celebrities I wish would go away: Justin Bieber, and Jennifer Lawrence.

15. Carrie Fisher is going to be in Star Wars 7, confirmed today. But "Princess"? Shouldn't she be Queen Leia by now?

16. I seriously need to get back to work!


DEEP_NNN's picture
Submitted by DEEP_NNN on Wed, 03/06/2013 - 16:06

There almost always is snow here in March. Sometimes April. I really hate it when it snows in May though.

badmin's picture
Submitted by badmin on Wed, 03/06/2013 - 17:36

I feel like you should do more blogs like this.  Oddly entertaining.

SarcasmoJones's picture
Submitted by SarcasmoJones on Wed, 03/06/2013 - 18:54

Brazos is Spanish for "arms." Why would we pluralize a single river? Oh, and Amarillo is not nearly as yellow as one would expect.

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