Soundtrack of my life


Shared on Tue, 03/01/2011 - 18:16


And now for something more introspective, more personal. More whiny. This is what I think about when the word "Blog" comes to mind. Moody people complaining for no reason about how shitty their lives are, when they actually have it pretty good. Just feeling sorry for themselves.
Of course, some people really do have it bad. And use their blog to vent. Me, I've got it good. I'm just feeling down. My head ain't right. I don't know why.
Feeling lonely. Been thinking about death a lot lately. Not suicidally or anything like that. (-Editor: That's a relief! -Vix: 'Editor?' Who the hell are you? Go away! –Editor: I'm not going away. You need me here, to help correct all the crummy stuff you write. –Vix: How dare you! I don't write 'crummy' stuff. My writing is awesome. Hell, this is Oscar-worthy, material! –Editor: Give me a break, will ya? It's shit. You know it, and I know it. – Vix: You're the one who is full of shit! – Editor: You realize you are talking to yourself, don't you? – Vix: Er, uh... – Editor: What was that? You were sort of trailing off there. – Vix: Shut up.)  
Anyway, thinking about death. Wondering what's going to happen to this screwy human race. We're getting more overpopulated than ever. Trashing our world. What kind of future will my kids have? Or their kids? It just kind of sucks. We'll drain all the world's oil dry, cut down all the trees and turn it all into farmland and shopping malls. Wait until the whole world is turned into one giant, polluted farm to feed the churning mass of unemployed, starving, humanity, and only then realize, "Gee. Maybe we should have done something different?"
I guess that's someone else's problem.
Feeling down about my mom. Went and saw a shrink. Imagine that. I never thought I would need help, but there you go. She told me to "meditate". What the hell? Meditate.
What do you know? Billy Joel is playing on the radio. "I love you just the way you are." Thanks, Billy. (Seriously. I didn't make that up.)
My mom. What a fucked up individual. Why does that woman have the hold on me that she does? I'm years away from the things she did to me, yet I can't escape them. Nothing is ever resolved. Will I be a better dad than the crummy parent she was (and is)? I already scream at my kids sometimes. Ignore them sometimes. Don't play with them enough. What's wrong with me? Good god, I don't want to be like her! And here I am, afraid I'm going down that road.
I need some exercise. A good jog. If there were a soundtrack to my life, it would be by Daft Punk. The Tron theme of The Grid would kick in, like something great is about to happen. Then Derezzed. Then we move on to Robot Rock, Crescendolls, and Superheroes. Finally, we end with Flynn Lives.
Will my dreams every come true? (That's the kind of stuff you are supposed to write on blogs.) I'm in a funk. A Daft Punk funk. Most music I hear sounds depressing to me.
I don't always feel this way. It's rare that I feel sad. I'm usually happy. I don't know what's up with me.
I'm on the road. I miss my family. Sleeping alone tonight.







Vix_Sundown's picture
Submitted by Vix_Sundown on Wed, 03/02/2011 - 17:08
Foxytrot, Thank you very much for the kind words. It definitely helped me feel better. I think I've just been in kind of a low mood, you know? I watched the whole video. Thanks for that. Your words about my mom really hit the spot. That's what bothers me so much - what she wasn't. But I'm dealing with it. I just don't want to be like her toward my own kids. And I'm going to have to remember your advice about hugging your kids. That sounds so simple, but I bet it changes things in an awesome way. I am definitely going to do that. Thanks again for taking the time. You are really nice. I appreciate it.
Vix_Sundown's picture
Submitted by Vix_Sundown on Wed, 03/02/2011 - 17:11
(P.S. Barry Manilow, LOL)
Foxytrot's picture
Submitted by Foxytrot on Tue, 03/01/2011 - 23:10
Your video scared me and made me want to hide under my couch. Uh, no offense. Hmmm. Do I have a soundtrack to my life? Good grief I bet it has at least one Barry Manilow track in it. Egads! But I like to play this song when I am in need of a bit of pick up - one of my favourite bands Within Temptation. I know its an oldie but everybody feels the blues now and then. I hope that is all your feeling and will somehow rise yourself out of the slump. Baggage is a terrible thing. The sins of our fathers is not always fathers, sometimes its mothers. I had the same fears you have - becoming like my mother. We both loved and I think hated each other. When she died suddenly I came to the realization that so much of my feelings were based on what she wasn't rather than what she was. I wanted her to be different. But you can only define who you - are not your parents. They have a hand for better or worse in how you turn out but you come to a crossroads where you determine the road you will take from there and it can take you long and far away from where you started. That you have a fear and see things in yourself should actually be encouraging - it means you can choose a different path but it might take a bit more conscious effort on your part. Actively look to be different and to be who you want to be. Just don't give in, never give in. Look to the horizon, for the gleam of first light and set towards it. If you think you're about to yell at your kids...just snag them into a hug. No matter how heated you are. Hugs can do marvelous things. They make you feel great and remind them they are loved unconditionally and you're gonna hang in there with them no matter what...and are amazingly calming. Not one of us hasn't been where you are at, or might find ourselves one day. You really are not alone. Dude, you are not sleeping alone, you're just sleeping away. People love you and no matter where, no matter what, you carry that with you and you just gotta do what you gotta do to provide and keep things going but it doesn't diminish the love. Hotels suck. They make you long for home and your own bed. Go buy a few goofy sappy gifts to take home at the WalMart - like a fluffy teddy bear and sit it out where you can see it and it reminds you this is temporary and lets you take care of those you love. The necessary evil. Meditate? Seriously...sure she didn't say medicate? Cause...that sounds lame...well, they both sound lame but I think its great your taking time to talk things out...just....if that doesn't improve soon you might want to find a new shrink. And your Editor is a tough bastard! Glad he is yours and not mine. Ha-ha.

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