A Look Forward


Shared on Sat, 10/28/2006 - 08:47
Recently in the Politics thread, there was a post about how the elections might turn out. People were sharing their predictions, so I shared mine. What follows is actually an edited version, because I've had more time to think about it (and it's not 1:30 in the morning now and I'm not half-drunk). Anyway, here's monkee's predictions:

On November 7th, various people I have never met will be elected to represent me and my ideas. However, they will always vote for either 1) what they personally believe in, or 2) what they have been paid, bartered or coerced to "believe in."

On November 20th, the government will take as much money out of my check as they always have.

On December 3rd, a whole bunch of people will receive checks paid for with my money, some because they work for the government, others because they don't work at all.

On December 4th, a bunch more people will figure out how to get a check backed by my money.

On December 15th, there will be a news story about some store that was forced to remove a Nativity Scene from their window.

On December 18th, someone will lose their job to an on-line service or an off-shore counterpart.

On December 25th, a sparkly personality will be on TV calling the day a Seasonal Holiday because they'll be too afraid of excluding someone to call it Christmas.

Sometime in December, more soldiers will die in Iraq, and many people the world over will debate their sacrifice from the safety of their computer chairs.

On January 1st, my entire family will get sick, because our Medical deductible will have just turned over.

On January 2nd, an elderly person will get sicker because they cannot afford their medication at all.

On January 14th, I will turn 40, and will not be nearly as financially secure as I thought I would be by that age.

Also on January 14th, I will eat cake. Yum!

On January 15th, someone, somewhere will be planning their run for the White House.

On January 16th, another child will be born into the welfare system and will be taught how to live his entire life in it.

On January 18th, I'll eat the last piece of my leftover cake. That will be a sad day.

On March 5th, I'll get my XBOX 360. That will be a HAPPY day.

On March 6th, I will have already died in XBOX 360 games at the hands of my fellow OMMer's 1000 times.

On March 7th, Rockcrawler will be heard to say, "How is monkee killing me so much? He just GOT that damn thing!"



Banjocut's picture
Submitted by Banjocut on Sat, 10/28/2006 - 10:05
January 14th here too.
Brad's picture
Submitted by Brad on Sat, 10/28/2006 - 10:41
On Novemeber 7th , I will go into Best Buy and only pay $20 cash for COD3 - thanks Mcdonalds and best buy bucks - not just for the "money", but for the cholesterol and pounds!
webmonkee's picture
Submitted by webmonkee on Sat, 10/28/2006 - 11:36
Wow - cool banjo! Another Backbone of Society Capricorn.
rockcrawler69's picture
Submitted by rockcrawler69 on Sat, 10/28/2006 - 15:31
I lovebeing the backbone of a good joke. Here I see Monkees blog and go
Go_Aachmed's picture
Submitted by Go_Aachmed on Sat, 10/28/2006 - 17:42
Excellent! You may be even more cynical than I am. Well, maybe not. Oh, you forgot one other option for Nov 7th. If they have no direction from options 1 or 2, they will fall back on option #3 - vote however there party leaders say. You know, you may be a closet Libertarian. Anyway, good job.
Dadstroyer's picture
Submitted by Dadstroyer on Sat, 10/28/2006 - 18:42
Very nice!!!
webmonkee's picture
Submitted by webmonkee on Sat, 10/28/2006 - 22:13
Hey Aachmed, if you can actually figure out what I am politically, then you're a step ahead of me. I just say Independent, because I've yet to find a party that agrees with me.
CapnHun's picture
Submitted by CapnHun on Thu, 11/09/2006 - 09:17
I turn 40 on Jan. 24th. That means we were both born in the year known as the summer of love (which I guess means we were conceived in the spring of love). Wy do you have to wait until March 5th for the 360? Just curious.
Deman267's picture
Submitted by Deman267 on Sat, 10/28/2006 - 09:14
We'll still be waiting,Monkee.....tick tick tick... :)
wareaglebeene1's picture
Submitted by wareaglebeene1 on Sat, 10/28/2006 - 09:59
Very good Monkee.

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