Shared on Sun, 12/20/2009 - 17:42I'm still trying to decide what motivates me in COD MW2. it is clear that leveling up initially motivated me, and it is equally clear that that goal motivates the folks on my FL who are on 4th or 5th Prestige already. But, I have been able to go to Prestige for almost a week now and haven't done it. I will admit that I am missing moving up the ranks, but I really enjoy having my maxed out weapons of choice. So right now, my K/D ratio is my motivation. I'm sort of in a race with Catlemonster, but he has pulled quite a bit ahead now, so I am mainly competing with myself at this point. Running at 1.17 and shooting for 1.20 right now.
That is a decent motivator, but, it mostly limits me to Deathmatch since K/D is not usually my concern in objective games.
I see a lot of folks who are at level 70 with me and have not gone prestige. What motivates you? Just the gameplay itself? I do like the gameplay, but the lobby is so frustrating, that I feel like I do need some other sort of motivator to keep me in this game. Having games where I go 19-4 is a good feeling. All said, i think I am better at this game than I ever was at halo 2 or 3. I think the halo game experience is still superior, but there is something to be said for playing a game you play decently.
What say you feloow level 70's? Will you ever go Prestige? I think I will eventually, but not until I get my K/D up where I would like it to be, which is at least 1.25.
- webmonkee's blog
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