

Shared on Thu, 04/22/2010 - 12:34



One of my biggest problems in the past couple years has been my gaming A.D.D.  There have been so many greats game to come out since the fall of 2007 that it is incredibly hard for me to focus in on finalizing all the aspects of the game I want to complete(acheivements).  With the addition of DLC it has made this self proclaimed syndrome of Game.D.D. more crippling in my gaming.  I can honestly say I don't really know what I want to put into my BOX to play sometimes.  Then there are times when I'll have a couple hours to kill and instead of getting in a groove and working towards finishing some games, I'll switch games 4 to 5 times.  It is like when you fall behind on projects at work or cleaning the house or yard work and it is so deep that you don't really know where to begin, so ultimately you do whats comfortable and try to ignore it.  The stack of games that I have to get to has become stupidily ridiculous.  I have at least 6 games that haven't made it into the BOX yet.  

On a side note this is one of the flaws of the 2 OLD 2 PLAY gamer.  We can actually afford to play.  As kids we all had to save our coins to go get the newest version of Crash Bandicoot or Madden.  Now every game  hits our shelves.  The addition of Gamefly has added fuel to the fire.

So I had to ask myself, "how am I going to combat my Game.D.D?"  Here's what I did to start to eliminate games and in the meantime added another 10,000 or so to my completely meaningless gamerscore.  I made a simple plan.  It had few rules to follow

1. Organize all my games in order A to Z, removing all completed games

2. Remove all high rotation multi-player games

  • COD
  • Gears
  • BFBC

3. Play one game until it is completed (no more than 2 weeks per game and MP games don't count). After 2 weeks put it away, sell it, or trade it(DLC has annoyed me on this).

I followed those rules for a couple months and knocked out quite a few games.  I was actually suprised how much I got into each game.  And true to form I continued to add more games to my pile during this process.  I will probably need to refocus my Game.D.D here shortly, especially before the fall chaos begins again, with HALO, BRINK, FALLOUT, BATMAN, and on and on. 


J-Cat's picture
Submitted by J-Cat on Thu, 04/22/2010 - 12:44
Excellent first blog and welcome! For me, $ is also not a deterrent, time is. o I budget for what I think I will play and complete. I budgeted accordingly and I am officially done buying new games until the end of the year. I got: Dragon's AGe: Orgins, Mass Effect 2 FFXIII and Splinter Cell. Once I finish my multiple play throughs I still have many a game that I haven't completed. again: excellent blog and welcome to 2o2p!
mac79's picture
Submitted by mac79 on Thu, 04/22/2010 - 17:25
yep time and the rate on which games come out is what gets me. Right now i got Assassin's creed 2, FFXIII and BFBC2's sp campaign on my plate. Next week Super Street Fighter 4 is out and i got it pre-ordered then in may RDR is out and i also wanna try that. Weekends need to have 4 days!! lol
Snuphy's picture
Submitted by Snuphy on Thu, 04/22/2010 - 20:20
As a kid I saved my coins to play Asteroids, Galaga, and Centipede. With real quarters even. I must be 2Old. Welcome.

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