

Shared on Sun, 06/21/2009 - 14:44

 I hate to say anybody is cheating on XBL, since it's so tough. But lately I've come to the conclusion that some players in COD: W@W are definitely cheating. I was playing in the new maps for COD: W@W the day after their release and began to notice some players with a particular clan designation (not one of our own, here on 2o2p, thank god) were able to find me easily and kill me from behind, and were able to kill me with a head shot through cover while I was well hidden. Now I know, that sometimes people spawn behind you and using the radar can find you, or that with a well placed shot even through cover, if they have "over penetration" and "bullet damage" as perks and you show up on their radar (or the physically see you) that the head shot I mentioned is not  impossible. Hell, I've made a few of those impossible shots myself.

But the problem is this:

1)In the KILL-CAM, you can see that they headed directly for me as if they knew where I was, in fact , a few times they were already aiming at my exact location through walls and corners even before I came into view.

2) All the kills that are in question did not happen while a ENEMY RECON PLANE was overhead. I'm not an idiot. I know you show up on their radar when one of them activates the Recon Plane. I've been fragged plenty of times that way.  

3) All three Clan members ended up at the top of their teams kill list. #1, #2, and #4  

4) The difference between #2 and #3 was 24 kills. There's no way that occurs naturally.

5) One of them had a XBL Profile with only 30 Gamerpoints and no games other than COD: W@W listed. Weird, huh. As if he had created that profile just for cheating. So if he got banned, this was his throw away profile.


Now I know most people say you can't cheat on XBL, but we've all seen the Lag Switchers (you know, those idiots who are practically immortal 'cause they jump around the map in a constant state of lag), and the Modded Controllers ( Have you ever been gunned down in less than a second with a Colt 45? Now you know. They said they fixed the game to stop modded controllers, but all the modders had to do was adjust the rate of fire to come just under the threshold before you get kicked out by the game.). So far it's been believed you couldn't do a wall hack or other similar hacks on XBL, but now I wonder. They happen way too often. I think someone has figured out a way to cheat on using the same technique currently employed on PCs. 

PC multiplayer cheating used to involve installing the cheating software directly to your machine, copying into your games' executable, and running it in the background as you played the game. But software solutions like PunkBuster and others changed that. You can't run unauthorized code in a game anymore, without triggering the game servers Anti-Cheat software (i.e. PunkBuster). So cheaters have found a way around this. Now instead of installing any code into the game, cheaters install a piece of client software that connects them to a server where the cheating software resides and runs. It acts like a service in the background, so Anti-Cheat software won't detect it, unless it knows what service to look for. So now cheaters can continue to cheat on PCs, just like before. And I think this technique or a variation of it, is at fault for the cheating I've seen on COD: W@W.So far I haven't seen anything like what I mentioned above in any other game.


Hey, before anyone says that maybe the problem is that I suck at COD: W@W, save it. I already know I do. And I don't care that I got fragged. I just think it's lame some people feel they have to cheat in a game. The keyword here, GAME. It's just a game, why cheat. It's not like you get money from it, or sex. If it did, I'd be cheating my ass off too. Instead, you just fragged me, big deal, you  probably could have done it on your own, without any help. That's how lame you are. :D


And don't worry guys, no matter what, I'll still be playing COD: W@W. I don't give a fuck about all those glitchers and cheaters. It's just a game!!!!!


Rant over....


FaceFuMaster's picture
Submitted by FaceFuMaster on Mon, 06/22/2009 - 17:16
Xbox just fragged the gamerscores of a bunch of Cheeters on XBL. I know it happens cuz they say it does and take action. Report it to XBL. Cheers from another gamer that sucks at W@W FaceFu
M13a77's picture
Submitted by M13a77 on Tue, 06/23/2009 - 10:20
CarterDavidov's picture
Submitted by CarterDavidov on Sun, 06/21/2009 - 17:12
Never understood why some find it more important to "win" by cheating than to just enjoy the game
Caesar's picture
Submitted by Caesar on Mon, 06/22/2009 - 08:16
hey i get sex for being awesome at video games! lol kidding i hate fuckin cheaters

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