Finally Updating This


Shared on Fri, 02/18/2011 - 14:58

 #1. Got the new Slim X360 to replace the old broken x360. Running well, so far. Have had only one glitch, where system wouldn't recognize my headset. Weird 'cause it's an Xbox head set. Just had to reboot system and the problem was solved.


#2. Family drama over. Visited family and resolved most of the nonsense. Woot!!


#3. TiVo HD DVR died and had to be replaced. Bought the new TiVo Premiere XL. Bad choice. This dvr is so buggy. Even after all the updates, it's still very buggy. And for some weird reason, the way you get Pandora on this DVR doesn't work. It requires that you enter a code at a website, ala Netflix; but the website doesn't exist. Funny thing, the way you activate Pandora in my old TiVo HD is the same way you have to do it at their website, and it works - just enter your email addy and password, and you're logged in; no activation code needed. How can they have their newest DVR model unable to use Pandora, when all their old ones can? Don't buy the Premiere or Premiere XL. Find an old TiVo HD or if you don't care a bout cable and are gonna get your tv shows from Netflix or/and Hulu, get something else, like a Roku HD, or Boxee Box. Netflix has just been added to the Boxee Box!!!


#4. PS3 is not recognizing all discs. So the lens could be dirty. I'll probably have to open it up and clean the lens. Or the blu-ray laser could be dead. In that case, I'll have to take it to a tech and have that tested and replaced. I'm kinda low in funds, so I'll wait 'til March to fix it.


This was my latest update ( as of 2/18/11 ), who knows when I'll update next. :-)



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