Your therapist is Gay


Shared on Wed, 08/05/2009 - 17:46

Or is it - Your therapist will be Gay?

A friend of my parents works as the office manager for a physical therapist. My dad, just recently started his physical therapy threatment at her location. Long story short, the therapist's name is Gay. Literally, her first name is Gay - G-A-Y.

So, this brought up an interesting question. Should patients in the waiting room be told that their therapist is Gay?

"Sir, we're ready to see you and your therapist is Gay"

"That's a bit too much information I'm afraid"


"You can come on back and start. You're therapist will be Gay"

"Well, I didn't realize I was that ugly of a man... who am I? George Costanza?"

...she decided to stop giving the therapist's name - she can introduce herself.



VenomRudman's picture
Submitted by VenomRudman on Wed, 08/05/2009 - 21:45
I knew a girl in college with that name. She made sure to introduce herself by saying "Hi, my name is Gay" rather than "Hi, I'm Gay".

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