My Week in Review


Shared on Fri, 09/12/2008 - 10:25

If any of you missed it, Fringe premiered this week. After watching the trailer in the spring, I thought this was going to be another gem in J.J. Abrams huge wresting belt (cue celebratory douchebag hand gesture), but I was left wanting something different. The show started well enough: a plane-load of people, infected with some sort of skin-melting herpes. Government agencies show up, yada yada; all is well and good. Then the romantic angle starts with our protagonist trying to save her lover’s life my dropping acid and jumping into a vat of water. I say, “Who gives a shit”. What about all the people on the plane? Why do you need a cow? How come the old scientist didn’t escape in a hummer a la ‘The Rock’? We will never know. In the end, more government conspiracies were revealed, and some semblance of hope was seen. All I can say is, “we’ll see”.

I am thoroughly engulfed in the world of Dexter. I missed it on TV, so decided to catch up before the new season starts. I’m about two episodes from finishing the season, and am very impressed. I’m slightly worried though, I can relate to Dexter on so many levels. I am getting into my prime serial-killer age. “We’ll see”
NHL 09 came out this week; picked it up on Wednesday - totally impressed. The ‘Be a Pro’ mode has re-invigorated my passion for the franchise. No more switching to other players, just good ‘ol positional hockey. The way all we Canadian’s like it.
Hurricane Ike is headed for Texas. To all my friends in Texas (Sage, etc), good luck, and I hope you all make it through ok.
I’m getting my puppy’s balls chopped off next week. Why am I hesitant to mention it around him? It’s not like he knows wtf is going on. I guess I’m now just one of those weird pet people who think they can communicate with their dogs on some level.
Oh, and Mercs 2 is weak sauce. I don’t care what you say.


Caesar's picture
Submitted by Caesar on Fri, 09/12/2008 - 11:36
awwww your poor puppies balls 8( lol
VenomRudman's picture
Submitted by VenomRudman on Fri, 09/12/2008 - 12:30
Play Mercs2 with a partner. It is 100x better....
XValue's picture
Submitted by XValue on Fri, 09/12/2008 - 13:13
I did, personally it ranks up there with Crazy Taxi.

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