Joining A Clan


Shared on Wed, 03/14/2007 - 11:47

Ok so I think I want to join a clan, but I'm not sure which one is the right one for me. I still don't understand a lot of this stuff so please be patient with me while I figure it all out.

I've gotten some pretty helpful advice from a friend so far, but looking for just a little more. I want to find a Gears of War clan.  I'm not the best player, but I like the conversation and the fun.

So far I've been told that Art of War would be a good clan for me, but it appears that they're full. I know a small amount about Old Man Mafia, but I've been told that's mostly Halo 2, which I don't really play.

So anyone who has some helpful advise let me know.


Gatsu's picture
Submitted by Gatsu on Wed, 03/14/2007 - 11:52
Well Strategic Insomniacs is always looking for people to play Gears with. And its interesting how I saw your blog RIGHT AFTER someone posted in the clans forum that we needed female members. If you are at all interested, lemme know and I can bring you in on a couple of matches and see how it goes. Just a word of warning though, we name-call and crack bad jokes and all that. All in good fun of course. gamertag: Gatsu Godhand
LB75Player's picture
Submitted by LB75Player on Wed, 03/14/2007 - 11:56
wareaglebeene1's picture
Submitted by wareaglebeene1 on Wed, 03/14/2007 - 11:58
For the record, Old Man Mafia is not a mostly Halo 2 clan anymore. We have a pretty diverse mix of games we play. You have been in some GOW games with us. Just hit BigOne, Trupundit, or Rockcrawler up if you want an invite. Afterall, it is the best darn clan around. Everyone else are just posers :wink: . Even the most active posting clan on the site was formed by a former OMMer (whats up Kid). Of course I think we are the most fun but there are alot of great ones out there. I believe you will benefit the most from the site if you join one. Good luck.
bunsen27's picture
Submitted by bunsen27 on Wed, 03/14/2007 - 11:59
OMM is not just a H2 clan. We play a lot of different games including GoW. Our creed is to "Have Fun" so no worries about your skill level. My advice is try playing with different groups and see whom you fit in with the best. :)
SM05's picture
Submitted by SM05 on Wed, 03/14/2007 - 12:00
I'd suggest asking one of our AoW moderators Doscon or GAINER32 to see may be they'd open up a spot for you. Have may be an AoW clan member vouch for you.
Ewok_Poacher's picture
Submitted by Ewok_Poacher on Wed, 03/14/2007 - 12:03
Yes, Art of War is cool. At first I thought it odd that I had to sign over all of my material posessions to the clan...but I have since been told that I am happier now because I am poor. My advice is to find folks that are on when you are on and who add to the fun. Some clans seem to form their own identity and have their own little quirks.
Eviluncle's picture
Submitted by Eviluncle on Wed, 03/14/2007 - 12:06
Remember you can join multiple Clans and play with a diverse group of people. Just populate your FL with good peeps and you will always have game invites galore.
rabbmasterflash's picture
Submitted by rabbmasterflash on Wed, 03/14/2007 - 12:09
stay away from 2Old4Tactics they are a bunch of dicks
DrTHE0P0LIS's picture
Submitted by DrTHE0P0LIS on Wed, 03/14/2007 - 12:09
2old4tactis is a disorganized bunch of foul-mouthed incompetents. We're fairly schizophrenic in our choice of games and seem to pretty much go whichever way the wind blows. We're unruly, offensive, and quite possibly all going to hell. But if you're just looking to play a few games and have a good time, you might want to pay us a visit. I would, however, suggest a visit before making any decisions as we are an, ahem, acquired taste.
LuxDraconis's picture
Submitted by LuxDraconis on Wed, 03/14/2007 - 12:10
OR! Start your own clan, and we can join yours. Then we could take over the world,what?....... The nurse says I have to take my meds now. BYE!
Big0ne's picture
Submitted by Big0ne on Wed, 03/14/2007 - 12:24
Check your PM.
zerocd's picture
Submitted by zerocd on Wed, 03/14/2007 - 12:34
aww man... you JUST missed the Pais position available in t0e...
dos's picture
Submitted by dos on Wed, 03/14/2007 - 12:38
AoW is always looking for quality gamers. Quality doesn't necessarily equate to skill either. I'll send you a PM to follow up.
Spooky's picture
Submitted by Spooky on Wed, 03/14/2007 - 12:44
AoW isn't full, we are great clan with really cool people to play with. If you are interested add a few of us to your FL and I'm sure you will be welcomed. As stated above, Gainer32 and doscon are the power mongers to add and remove people.
SouthernMSS's picture
Submitted by SouthernMSS on Wed, 03/14/2007 - 12:53
Good luck I hope you are able to find a clan you like.
PoltegIce's picture
Submitted by PoltegIce on Wed, 03/14/2007 - 13:39
Definetly join AoW. You already play with a bunch of us, me for instance Cannabais Messiah, Leviathon... We aren't full and good spirited players are always welcome. :)
Baine's picture
Submitted by Baine on Wed, 03/14/2007 - 13:49
Doc's a cornholer
Ima_Goob's picture
Submitted by Ima_Goob on Tue, 03/20/2007 - 17:10
Strategic Insomniacs is a great bunch of laid back guys. We play for fun. I think you've already played with some of us. Perhaps the best clan here! We play GOW the most but do play others. Watch out for the smoke tag.
OldManRiver48's picture
Submitted by OldManRiver48 on Wed, 03/14/2007 - 14:11
Dont be in a hurry. Let all the clans "wine and dine" you, narrow it down to a couple choices. Then ask people from within the clan what their take is on their clan and overlord. Next ask people outside of these clan members and see and see what input you get. When you have all the reason to wait then! :)
DreadPirate75's picture
Submitted by DreadPirate75 on Wed, 03/14/2007 - 15:15
I love lamp
YesImaGirl25's picture
Submitted by YesImaGirl25 on Wed, 03/14/2007 - 15:17
Why the I love lamp comment? That's weird cuz there's a person I know that says that a lot...
rockcrawler69's picture
Submitted by rockcrawler69 on Wed, 03/14/2007 - 15:33
You do have an open invite to the Old Man Mafia. I have heard nothing but good things from many of Da 'Family that have played with you. We are all about fun. Not any certain game, just fun. Their are MANY MANY great clans on this sight. I think you have some great choices in front of ya. No matter who, I think you will have a good time. Any questions, feel free to PM me, or Big0ne or or any of the other 5 or 6 folks that postes above from the OMM. Rock
UnwashedMass's picture
Submitted by UnwashedMass on Wed, 03/14/2007 - 15:36
He really likes lamp. :) There are a bunch of really great clans, and even more great people. You don't have to affilliate unless you find one that makes you comfortable. Get in the Ladies' Playground forum and ask the women their take.
Avril's picture
Submitted by Avril on Wed, 03/14/2007 - 15:57
Unless you are a Halo player the Clan option is more for forum access, since Gears doesn't support a clan system, (wish they did!). Anywho, they are lot's of great clans here, just see who it is you hang out with the most and you enjoy playing with the most, then ask them about what clan they are in....many people are in more than one clan too. Good luck:)

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