Shared on Wed, 03/02/2011 - 09:49Hounds, welcome to your temporary home!
I am ZeroSuperman (XBL: Khaos Skorpius). My fellow Moderator is CrypticCat (XBL: CrypticCat 2o2p)
I'm still a little out-of-sorts with the disorganization I've caused trying to rally the Achievement Hounds. I think a meeting place somehwere on the site is going to help resolve most of that problem. I'm going to start posting news for the Hounds in my blog. This will give everyone a chance to reply and it can easily be bookmarked. I was going to use the main forum, but if any of you are like me, I only pay attention to the feed on the main page. The rest is lost in translation.
I will likely still post threads about any achievement related events (like the
Gears 2 event this week.) in addition to news being posted through my blog, everyone should eel free to use the comments section to try and find help with achievements. My blog is at your disposal :)
The following XBL gamertags should have a friend request from [b]AA Hounds FoF[/b]. This is your middle-man Friends of Friends list to hook up with other players who are trying to get more gamerscore.
My handwriting is in all caps, so forgive the fact that your GT may look funny in this format.
I'm going to lay down 1 major ground rule for this clan. It's a zero-tolerance policy:
Do not use, or discuss using, anything outside the normal game parameters
This will include:
Discussion about using modded consoles and/or controllers
Discussion about tactics such as aim-bots and lag switching
Trading an achievement, or anything digit or physical, for monetary gain (money or Microsoft Points). If you have something to get rid of, use the public forum, please.
Public discussions of game-breaking glitches and cheats
And anything else the clan Moderators may need to question
Anyone caught breaking the above rule will be blackballed from Achievement Hounds, reported to 2old2play, and reported to Xbox Live.
Basically, if you wonder if something is wrong, don't do it!
We will allow, and encourge, people to boost within a games' limits.
For example: I still need a Reach Achievement called "You Ate All the Chips". I'll probably try to find 8 total Hounds to go after this, so I'll have a better chance of succeeding and not having to deal with 7 Timmies teabagging me.
Another Example: In Gears 2, I don't intend on playing much Matchmaking outside of Horde. So, I went into Custom Warzone with my wife and we went 1 kill per game, per map. This allowed us to get a Multiplayer game on each map, and we just chainsawed each other to our heart's content. Everything was within the game parameters.
With that ugly business out of the way, below is a repost of the Gears 2 thread.
"Hey Hounds!
Add gamertag: AA Hounds FoF to your Xbox Live Friends and we will start building the community. Some of you may already have invites from that profile :)
I'm going to extend (hehe) the first Achievement Hound group achievement getting thingy...and somehow that turned out right :D
Epic is running 22x XP in all Gears modes, including Horde, and I'm gunning for some Achievements while I climb toward that LV 100 and 100,000 kills.
I only play Horde currently
this offer is open to [b]ANYONE[/b] on 2old2play.com, but people who are missing the achievements have priority. If you are interested in hosting for any of the events below, contact me so I can plug your name in and we can start organizing. If you're going to join my lobby, you must add me as a friend on Xbox Live, otherwise I won't be able to hear you or talk to you. You are more than welcome to delete me after, with no hard feelings or strings attached.
Listed below, in order by date to be played, are the Achievements:
Tues. March 1 - Thurs. March 3 - Nightmares and Dreamscapes & Oops, I'm Downed Again!
Afraid of the Dark - Play a multiplayer match on each of the 7 Dark Corners Map Pack maps (any mode) - 20G
correction - this achievement must be done in non-Horde Multiplayer games. Cutoms games are allowed
Is it Hot or is That Just You? - Kill 25 Bloodmounts with a Scorcher while playing Horde on a Dark Corners Map Pack map - 25G
A Parting Gift - Kill 10 enemies with a grenade while down but not out (any mode) - 20G
Fri. March 4 - Please don't beat me no more, Daddy!
Like Father, Like Gun - Reach level 30 in multiplayer and complete waves 1 - 30 on the Allfathers Garden map in Horde - 30G
Followed by any outstanding achievement my fellow Hounds may still need (and are readily attainable)
Sat. March 5 - Wake Up, Ya Slacker!
Am I Only Dreaming? - Reach level 40 in multiplayer and complete waves 1 - 40 on the Memorial map in Horde - 40G
Again, followed by any outstanding cheevos for fellow Hounds
Sun. March 6 - Nobody Makes Me Bleed My Own Blood! NOBODY!
Blood on the Sand - Reach level 50 in multiplayer and complete waves 1 - 50 on the Nowhere map in Horde - 50G
Followed by cheerful celebration, lots of shit talking and any outstanding cheevo mop-up.
Start times TBD based on those who plan to attend
(All Horde matches I host will be played in Custom game settings, on either Casual or Normal difficulty. In terms of XP, Casual will net you 2,200 per wave, and Normal will get 3,300 per wave.)"
- ZeroSuperman's blog
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Submitted by ZeroSuperman on Wed, 03/02/2011 - 15:02
Submitted by TKBosss on Wed, 03/02/2011 - 15:42
Submitted by Batdizzl on Wed, 03/02/2011 - 15:50
Submitted by ZeroSuperman on Wed, 03/02/2011 - 16:08
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 03/02/2011 - 20:48
Submitted by TaxiSquad27 on Wed, 03/02/2011 - 10:24
Submitted by AngryJason on Wed, 03/02/2011 - 10:26
Submitted by ZeroSuperman on Wed, 03/02/2011 - 11:24
Submitted by CrypticCat on Wed, 03/02/2011 - 14:37