Shared on Wed, 12/15/2010 - 08:39Holy crap-tacular, Batman. It's Wednesday, 08:14 am CST, and I'm at work...looking at the empty secretary desk. Yup, that's my job today: babysit the unringing phone. Pits.
On a better note, I'm actually getting out of my gaming comfort zone and trying new stuff. My buddy Roke got Left 4 Dead uno y dos for Christmas and hounded me to buy a copy. He said, "It's the best multiplayer, zombie-based game EVAR!" And, he was right. Been running around with Roke and my wife, trying to sneak past Witches and find those happy little Safe Houses. Been a "killer" good time :)
Off that topic, and onto my Christmas gifts. Good haul this year. So far it's been:
1. A Halo Mega Bloks Pelican dropship (fuckin' score!)
2. The first 3 dvd sets of the 90's X-Men cartoon
3. A ceramic Superman beer Stein (with working pewter flip top)
4. Two Superman ornaments
5. A statue of Zombie Wolverine from Marvel Zombies
The Halo Mega Bloks were so cool, I went to Wally and bought the last Gremlin they had plus a Warthog vs. Locust. Bummer is, Mega Bloks is terrible about missing pieces.
What else is there is talk about??? Um...Seven of Nine finally showed up on Star Trek Voyager. I know, you're confused now. In the past few years, I've started to appreciate Star Trek. Not so much of a Shatner fan (fuck you if you flame for it.) Definately a TNG and Voyager fan. What the fuck is Deep Space Nine? I'll tell you what it is: a mistake. Soap Opera shit. Anyhow, I've had Netflix injecting my Trek fix for a while now. Watched EVERY episode of TNG and now I'm working on Voyager. BTW, Jennifer Lien (Kes) was absolutely stunning! But the character was stale after 3 seasons, so I'm glad she's gone. Seven of NIne...what can any heterosexual man say except "Whoa!"
42 - The answer to life, the universe and everything.
What's up with greedy Activision wanting to charge an additional online service fee? And didn't Bungie just sign with Activision? Fuckin' tards.
Supreme Court is hearing debate about passing a law to restrict sales of M-rated games to minors. Currently, ESRB is a mere suggestion, unles retailers like Wally choose to make a house rule about IDing for sales. While I'm rather liberal, can anyone at 2o2p really be upset if they stop some Timmies from violating our wonderful games with their bullshit? I would be content. Maybe it's self serving to say, but I'm 28 and I don't give a fuck if they pass that law. It's not going to affect me in any way, shape or form.
Well, I've killed 26 minutes. I figured It would be best to fill my own blog with shit instead of pumping it into the forums. And why do we have a chatroom that none uses? Someone ask Doodi for me, because I'm really curious about it :)
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