Got the phone call last night. My wife's grand mother died in hospital last night.
When I came to Canada I had brothers and a sister but no parents or grand parents around.
She acted like if She was my grand mother.
She was one of those people that you can't remember anything that they ever did wrong in life. She raised my wife, and only 10 years ago decided to spent her last days with her husband back in Portugal.
We had plans to go see them for Xmas. I wish my kids had got a chance to meet her.
Yup, that is how I fell. Geting into more details.
I fell like a setler that is telling a native that if he places a gun on his mouth and fires, his brains will partially come out thru the back of his head. Well the native because has never seen a gun before, just does not belive you, and procedes to do it.