budman24's blog


Shared on Sun, 05/10/2009 - 14:57

Waterborn's party

Took a ride up to waterborn's place last night for his vintage gaming party.  All I have to say is wow.  He had soooooo many games for sooooo many systems it was crazy.  The food as i'm sure most of you saw in his blog was unbelieveable.  The way he set up the gaming party was a blast.  I showed up early with a 20 pack of beers and I would have brought something other than bud light if I would have known they were beer snobs :p.  Met his friends from work and the ones from france and they were all a great group of people along with his wife.  If he does this again and any of you are in the


Shared on Mon, 11/17/2008 - 15:21

On my way back from Florida

Well it was a great time. Playing WoW non-stop for days takes a toll on you lol. At least I hit 78 which is two levels higher than I wanted to get. Meeting all the guys was awesome, Fade, doodi, bliz, stridog, smoke, wytex and his girl and drewsky. Can't wait to do it again if I can get time off to go to the lan this year. I am sitting in charlotte right now as my flight is delayed :(. I'm prob not going to hit 80 this week because i'm home and going back to work :(. So i'm not going to give surf or sag a run for the money for guild first 80 :(  And BONELESS SPARERIBS FTW


Shared on Sun, 08/27/2006 - 00:46

new ladder

Well today we played KoH.  I brought my team along...moesley, torn, and halo2teacher.  Well I knew it was going to be tough and it was.  I think that with a little more practice as we never played together as a team before and we'll be alright.  Everyone on the team is good individually and if we bring it all together we'll do alright this ladder.  I mean our team is moesley, torn, halo2teacher, killagorilla, sam brick and royalnightspore.  We have a really good team all we have to do is bring it together.  Well darth capped all the games and I wanna see what it looked like from his P.O.V when


Shared on Tue, 07/18/2006 - 01:45

Havent made a new entry in a while

Well for starters ive been doing really good lately in halo.  I have no idea why or how but its like im a different player.  Moving right along volt is my team mate in uno....we own and are open for challenges :)  And that is all im going to bed.


Shared on Wed, 06/14/2006 - 00:45

Two ladder matches today.

Well my first ladder match was in the draft league against clutchs team....which was a tough match.  We did really well on the TS game on midship which was close....next was the ball game which was also close and they won.  It came down to the CTF on sanc.

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