CrashX27's blog


Shared on Tue, 04/19/2011 - 09:19

The Bride may now kiss the Bride

Oh snap. I would like to say Congrats to a friend that made a great moment last night. I got the email this morning that my friend, Mags (Magen, pronounced Megan), asked her girlfriend to merry her. Magan has been a friend of mine for 8 years now and I am happy for her and her fiancé/fiancée (not sure how that works) Amy. August is the day they have their union, the anniversary month of their meeting. However, New York doesn’t recognize same-sex marriages unless if done in a state that does allow it, then the couple returns to New York.


Shared on Sun, 04/17/2011 - 23:50

Earth Fair,... and more?

Easy weekend. No problems and gaming fulfilled. Think the only problem is getting through Reach on legendary solo. Went to an earth fair here today. Much to do and see. Wait! Well, maybe there was one problem. Interesting to see three pro-life booths scattered around the event. With populations rising, you think they would have contraceptive booths instead. Now a question, how do you answer to a 10 year old boy what an abortion is? I can answer the idea and procedures, which I did, lightly.


Shared on Wed, 04/13/2011 - 00:51

Last Sunday...

A couple drinks and a rant: Man, I am glad the weekend if over. It is safe with online friends. I had a unique Sunday. Called in to work on my only day off. Returned home and got ready for my son and me to go to the library to grab books for while he is on break. His mother calls as we are leaving and invites herself to tag along on our errands. Having an ex around is a tiring experience as it is, but she has been on and off at wanting to be together. Yeah, to her I am THAT friend, the one there when she needs help or cheering up and forgotten when the next one comes along.


Shared on Sat, 04/09/2011 - 14:52


Man, going through some older games I had laying around to pick up some missed achievement points. Many may not care for quarter eaters like many of the Japanese shooters. Many are just referred to as “bullet hell” games. When the screen fills with enemy bullets and only a small clear spot no larger than a dime is available, you know there is a challenge. Deathsmiles, here is a game that puts me through the ringer.


Shared on Mon, 04/04/2011 - 01:04

Spring and Sand

A random posting after a couple drinks: Spring Break is in effect. Now I guess it will be crowded near where I take my breaks at work. I spend my time off enjoying the ocean and maybe grabbing a pic through my phone. Too many high school and college young’uns. It isn’t that I don’t like the added people. There are surely many bikinis walking around. It is just the couples that sprout up. A bit envious. I guess I am just too used to my beach being empty. Too busy and too light in the wallet to do much about that right now.


Shared on Sat, 04/02/2011 - 08:42

Ahh, break time.

Start of a new month. What to do, what to do. I must say that it has been a rewarding month in gaming. Finally, people online that enjoy playing and not making it a shouting contest. Looking forward to getting a few new games, but I really don’t remember the last time I bought a NEW game. Always bought used. Have to cut back with Cali rent and gas prices hanging constantly over head. Here is to a new month with more games with new friends. Sure beats being called a fag or ass every two minutes by a 13 year old because he happens to die before me.


Shared on Wed, 03/16/2011 - 18:39

Age/Sex Flip-flop?

My mind is completely blown today. I shown Black Butler for the teen anime club at the library I volunteer at. With past titles as Gravitation and Ouran Host Club, it is rather obvious the crowd consists for mainly girls. Teenaged fangirls. They are good kids, until one topic sets them off; Yaoi. Any kind, any coupling, any series, they are full of imagination and are open to say so. *Sigh* The things I go through to see the smile of a cute librarian in glasses.

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