d0od's blog


Shared on Thu, 04/23/2009 - 14:58

Why we wave

This is a long one but as a motorcyclist I thought it was a good read.


Author Unknown


Shared on Thu, 04/23/2009 - 14:58

Why we wave

This is a long one but as a motorcyclist I thought it was a good read.


Author Unknown


Shared on Mon, 03/09/2009 - 10:20

Light Painting Part Deux

I tried light painting again, this time with the 'lil lady mounted on her steed. This shot proved to be way more difficult because of her white coat, if I came even close to pointing the light directly at her it would completely over expose the area. So the challange was lighting her without overexposure, It took me about 50 shots to get her and the bike nicely lit. Still wish I could have gotten the rear tire exposed a little better.

Hopefully it will stop snowing/raining/hailing soon so I can get out and take some pics of the bikes someplace other than the garage.


Shared on Mon, 03/09/2009 - 10:20

Light Painting Part Deux

I tried light painting again, this time with the 'lil lady mounted on her steed. This shot proved to be way more difficult because of her white coat, if I came even close to pointing the light directly at her it would completely over expose the area. So the challange was lighting her without overexposure, It took me about 50 shots to get her and the bike nicely lit. Still wish I could have gotten the rear tire exposed a little better.

Hopefully it will stop snowing/raining/hailing soon so I can get out and take some pics of the bikes someplace other than the garage.


Shared on Wed, 03/04/2009 - 15:35

Cool time lapse video

I tried to imbed this, but no go. It is a time lapse out of a airplane window.



Shared on Wed, 03/04/2009 - 15:35

Cool time lapse video

I tried to imbed this, but no go. It is a time lapse out of a airplane window.



Shared on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 11:29

Light Painting

Yamaha R1, Nikon D90, Dark Garage, a flashlight, and a 20 second exposure time. Oh and piss poor Photoshop skills to remove a few anomalies.


Shared on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 11:29

Light Painting

Yamaha R1, Nikon D90, Dark Garage, a flashlight, and a 20 second exposure time. Oh and piss poor Photoshop skills to remove a few anomalies.


Shared on Wed, 01/28/2009 - 12:45

Macro Photography

I recieved a set of extension tubes for my Nikon D90 as a belated X-mas present. These move the lens body away from the camera and allow you to focus on really close objects. Both of these pics are of very boring subject matter, a 3 ring binder and the support arm on my truck tailgate but I think getting so close makes them interesting. The focal plane when using the tubes is razer thin and makes focusing very difficult.


Shared on Wed, 01/28/2009 - 12:45

Macro Photography

I recieved a set of extension tubes for my Nikon D90 as a belated X-mas present. These move the lens body away from the camera and allow you to focus on really close objects. Both of these pics are of very boring subject matter, a 3 ring binder and the support arm on my truck tailgate but I think getting so close makes them interesting. The focal plane when using the tubes is razer thin and makes focusing very difficult.

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