dkarp1's blog


Shared on Sat, 08/20/2011 - 10:35

Spammers DIAF!!!!

 Just doing my part to push the spam blogs off the list....


Oh, may as well comment on something game related--Hopefully in MW3 stackable kill streaks are gone, (you know, killstreak reward kills that count for your next killstreak reward. Although I did maintain a positive k/d ratio in MW2 because of it......)

And sorry, but quickscopers need to be tortured and killed. Sorry if you like to do it, I just feel it unbalances the game. Bleah!


That's my opinion, it ought to be yours.


Shared on Sat, 08/20/2011 - 10:35

Spammers DIAF!!!!

 Just doing my part to push the spam blogs off the list....


Oh, may as well comment on something game related--Hopefully in MW3 stackable kill streaks are gone, (you know, killstreak reward kills that count for your next killstreak reward. Although I did maintain a positive k/d ratio in MW2 because of it......)

And sorry, but quickscopers need to be tortured and killed. Sorry if you like to do it, I just feel it unbalances the game. Bleah!


That's my opinion, it ought to be yours.


Shared on Thu, 03/03/2011 - 13:08

'08 was the last update? My how time flies..

Where should I start? Well, how about the good. No sign of my cancer returning, my oncologist has reduced my visits to every 6 months.

My son is turning 4 yrs old on March 14th and I am happy to tell you all that in the past 3 weeks he has  probably 10x as many hours on the 360 than I do, Ben 10 and COD Black ops are his current favorites. We did some Halo (yes the original Halo) split screen last night and he was loving that. Lucky for us he is on the side of law and order, he "Wanna shoot bad guys" all the time.


Shared on Thu, 03/03/2011 - 13:08

'08 was the last update? My how time flies..

Where should I start? Well, how about the good. No sign of my cancer returning, my oncologist has reduced my visits to every 6 months.

My son is turning 4 yrs old on March 14th and I am happy to tell you all that in the past 3 weeks he has  probably 10x as many hours on the 360 than I do, Ben 10 and COD Black ops are his current favorites. We did some Halo (yes the original Halo) split screen last night and he was loving that. Lucky for us he is on the side of law and order, he "Wanna shoot bad guys" all the time.


Shared on Fri, 12/12/2008 - 16:26

Another rare update! Good news too!

Well folks, things are looking up for me. My last rad treatment was in August and I am damn glad to be done with that crap!


Shared on Fri, 12/12/2008 - 16:26

Another rare update! Good news too!

Well folks, things are looking up for me. My last rad treatment was in August and I am damn glad to be done with that crap!


Shared on Thu, 07/31/2008 - 15:33

Not a blogger, am I? Important update, however.

Well, folks, nothing like wating for something important to blog about. I'll get right to the point, but please read all the way through before you get too concerned.

Back in May, my wife noticed a lump under my chin, kind of in the area between the front of the neck and back of the chin. A quick trip to the family doctor told me it was a swollen lymph node. This can be caused by a few things- infection or cancer. Maybe some more, I don't remember any past those two.


Shared on Thu, 07/31/2008 - 15:33

Not a blogger, am I? Important update, however.

Well, folks, nothing like wating for something important to blog about. I'll get right to the point, but please read all the way through before you get too concerned.

Back in May, my wife noticed a lump under my chin, kind of in the area between the front of the neck and back of the chin. A quick trip to the family doctor told me it was a swollen lymph node. This can be caused by a few things- infection or cancer. Maybe some more, I don't remember any past those two.


Shared on Thu, 11/15/2007 - 16:55

3 months passed already?

Wow, just checked my blog and noticed it's been about 3 months since my last entry. Having a wife, child, and full time job really occupy my time. And I love it that way.  They are the best things that ever happened to me. Maybe one of these days I'll get some pictures up.

Kid news-our son, now 8 months old, has 2 teeth! Gotta be careful, he likes to use them.  And he doesn't comprehend what causing pain to others means.


Shared on Thu, 11/15/2007 - 16:55

3 months passed already?

Wow, just checked my blog and noticed it's been about 3 months since my last entry. Having a wife, child, and full time job really occupy my time. And I love it that way.  They are the best things that ever happened to me. Maybe one of these days I'll get some pictures up.

Kid news-our son, now 8 months old, has 2 teeth! Gotta be careful, he likes to use them.  And he doesn't comprehend what causing pain to others means.

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