Dr_Mindcrime's blog


Shared on Thu, 05/29/2008 - 10:48

Quake Wars First Look Review

I bought and played Quake Wars for about 3 hours last night, I plan to give it a more thorough inspection tonight.  It is certainly a new twist on the shooter model of game.  The focus is much more on completing objectives like building a bridge, deactivating shield generators, activating mining lasers...etc...think the button for the gate in Zanzibar (Halo 3) but times 10,000 in importance.  The catch is that not all character classes can complete all tasks (only engineers can fix the bridge, only soldiers can blow up the gate,


Shared on Thu, 05/29/2008 - 10:48

Quake Wars First Look Review

I bought and played Quake Wars for about 3 hours last night, I plan to give it a more thorough inspection tonight.  It is certainly a new twist on the shooter model of game.  The focus is much more on completing objectives like building a bridge, deactivating shield generators, activating mining lasers...etc...think the button for the gate in Zanzibar (Halo 3) but times 10,000 in importance.  The catch is that not all character classes can complete all tasks (only engineers can fix the bridge, only soldiers can blow up the gate,


Shared on Tue, 04/29/2008 - 22:04

Best Economics and Video Games Article Ever

This is one of the coolest articles about the economics of Massively Multiplayer games. I think there is an interesting field of study here...





Shared on Tue, 04/29/2008 - 22:04

Best Economics and Video Games Article Ever

This is one of the coolest articles about the economics of Massively Multiplayer games. I think there is an interesting field of study here...




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