Gatsu's blog


Shared on Mon, 01/08/2007 - 22:37

Ooooo I got a PSP! I got a PSP! I got a PSP!

Wooooooooooooo I got a PSP! I got a PSP! I got a PSP!

So now all that PSP software I downloaded will come in handy! Wooooooo!

Gatsu OUT!


Shared on Thu, 01/04/2007 - 10:04

Damn Mongorians!

Not much going on right now. Just at work trying to stay busy. Kinda hard though when I dont have a computer to work on really...the computer in my spot died...and the boss STILL hasnt gotten a new one yet. If I dont have a new one by the end of the week, Im going to really debate coming in on Monday. Why bother if hes not gonna provide me the tools to do my job. its bullshit...plain and simple... On another note... The Hammers of Pwn went up against Pink last night. We lost, but we didnt lose that bad. It wasnt a total


Shared on Thu, 01/04/2007 - 10:04

Damn Mongorians!

Not much going on right now. Just at work trying to stay busy. Kinda hard though when I dont have a computer to work on really...the computer in my spot died...and the boss STILL hasnt gotten a new one yet. If I dont have a new one by the end of the week, Im going to really debate coming in on Monday. Why bother if hes not gonna provide me the tools to do my job. its bullshit...plain and simple... On another note... The Hammers of Pwn went up against Pink last night. We lost, but we didnt lose that bad. It wasnt a total


Shared on Sat, 12/30/2006 - 12:05

Another Girlfriend-less Saturday...DAMMIT!

Had all kinds of cool plans setup. Was gonna take her out to lunch to get some chinese, come back to my place for a bit, watch some of the movies she got me for X-mas. Maybe go out to EB and pick out some new games or movies....

But oh no...cant do that. Shes gotta feel bad. Her sugar decided to skyrocket this morning so she feels like total shit and doesnt feel like going out.

Im not mad at her...but I am pissed off. I cleaned my place real nice last night for her to be here (something I never do for anyone...).

So shit.


Shared on Sat, 12/30/2006 - 12:05

Another Girlfriend-less Saturday...DAMMIT!

Had all kinds of cool plans setup. Was gonna take her out to lunch to get some chinese, come back to my place for a bit, watch some of the movies she got me for X-mas. Maybe go out to EB and pick out some new games or movies....

But oh no...cant do that. Shes gotta feel bad. Her sugar decided to skyrocket this morning so she feels like total shit and doesnt feel like going out.

Im not mad at her...but I am pissed off. I cleaned my place real nice last night for her to be here (something I never do for anyone...).

So shit.


Shared on Fri, 12/29/2006 - 09:03

Donate to the site before the month is over...

I like many people on the site are here for a good part of our workday sitting in Site Chat, posting on the forums...or whatever.

The site has become a part of our lives and everyday routines. So lets donate to not only keep it going, but to say thanks to the 2 guys who
started this site to begin with.

The Site creators get stuck with the bill if not enough money comes in to pay the sites bills...which I think is the suck.

I know after the holidays its pretty tough because hell..."I just maxxed out my cards for x-mas crap!".


Shared on Fri, 12/29/2006 - 09:03

Donate to the site before the month is over...

I like many people on the site are here for a good part of our workday sitting in Site Chat, posting on the forums...or whatever.

The site has become a part of our lives and everyday routines. So lets donate to not only keep it going, but to say thanks to the 2 guys who
started this site to begin with.

The Site creators get stuck with the bill if not enough money comes in to pay the sites bills...which I think is the suck.

I know after the holidays its pretty tough because hell..."I just maxxed out my cards for x-mas crap!".


Shared on Wed, 12/27/2006 - 08:21

So X-mas is over...

And now back to the grindstone...except it turns out theres not much to do in the shop right now. The lead designer has a few things...but as far as setting anything up...nope.

So I'll be in site chat most of the day or some other chat prog hopefully keeping myself occupied.

We'll see though.

X-mas wasnt bad. it just wasnt great either. I found really hard to get into the spirit of the day. I mean I was excited to see people open what I got for them...but thats about it. When it came down to it it was just another day. And that kinda sucks.


Shared on Wed, 12/27/2006 - 08:21

So X-mas is over...

And now back to the grindstone...except it turns out theres not much to do in the shop right now. The lead designer has a few things...but as far as setting anything up...nope.

So I'll be in site chat most of the day or some other chat prog hopefully keeping myself occupied.

We'll see though.

X-mas wasnt bad. it just wasnt great either. I found really hard to get into the spirit of the day. I mean I was excited to see people open what I got for them...but thats about it. When it came down to it it was just another day. And that kinda sucks.


Shared on Sat, 12/23/2006 - 17:36

A new drawing...a new dawn for me...

Its been a long while since I've done any serious drawing...its been more or less just doodles here or there at work. But today I got the itch.

So I sat down, just put on some tunes, cleared my head and let my hand do the drawing...and what came out I actually liked. Its not perfect. But Im happy with it.

Keep in mind its unfinished...this is just the sketch. I'm gonna clean it up, ink it and then dump it in Photoshop and Painter to color it.

But here it is:

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