H2Daddy's blog


Shared on Sat, 01/24/2009 - 19:29


It warmed up to the upper 40s today so I decided to take the boys and head to the mountains for a little trout fishing this afternoon.  Got to the creek and found it mostly froze over.  We had fun anyways busting the ice with rocks.  Doesn't take much to entertain kids.  Heck, it doesn't take much to entertain a 41 year old dad.


Shared on Sat, 01/24/2009 - 19:29


It warmed up to the upper 40s today so I decided to take the boys and head to the mountains for a little trout fishing this afternoon.  Got to the creek and found it mostly froze over.  We had fun anyways busting the ice with rocks.  Doesn't take much to entertain kids.  Heck, it doesn't take much to entertain a 41 year old dad.


Shared on Thu, 01/22/2009 - 22:02

I Love Lost

I am sitting here watching the season premier I taped last night and I just wanted to say how much I love this show.  If you haven't watched it or tried and got lost, you owe it to yourself to rent the first season and watch it.


Shared on Thu, 01/22/2009 - 22:02

I Love Lost

I am sitting here watching the season premier I taped last night and I just wanted to say how much I love this show.  If you haven't watched it or tried and got lost, you owe it to yourself to rent the first season and watch it.


Shared on Wed, 01/21/2009 - 21:03

Back To Work

After being out of school since last Thursday due to weather, I actually have to go back to work tomorrow.  At least it is only a two day week.

Fallout 3, still rocks.  Seems to be getting better and better.  If you haven't tried it, give it a try.  This is coming from someone who did not like Oblivion but loves FO3. 


Shared on Wed, 01/21/2009 - 21:03

Back To Work

After being out of school since last Thursday due to weather, I actually have to go back to work tomorrow.  At least it is only a two day week.

Fallout 3, still rocks.  Seems to be getting better and better.  If you haven't tried it, give it a try.  This is coming from someone who did not like Oblivion but loves FO3. 


Shared on Tue, 01/20/2009 - 10:54


I just came upstairs after playing a little Fallout 3 and my wife is watching the inauguration.  I needed to check a few things on the computer so I am watching a few minutes of this.  I am just glad it is starting because I don't know how much more of the news reporters I can stand.  I did not vote for him but I really do wish him the best of luck.  I hope he can pull it off.  Now I am going back downstairs to explore the post-apocalyptic DC.


Shared on Tue, 01/20/2009 - 10:54


I just came upstairs after playing a little Fallout 3 and my wife is watching the inauguration.  I needed to check a few things on the computer so I am watching a few minutes of this.  I am just glad it is starting because I don't know how much more of the news reporters I can stand.  I did not vote for him but I really do wish him the best of luck.  I hope he can pull it off.  Now I am going back downstairs to explore the post-apocalyptic DC.


Shared on Mon, 01/19/2009 - 08:53

Why I Don't Play Halo 3

I am sitting there yesterday afternoon working on a paper for class.  My 5 year old comes downstairs and turns on the old 360 and starts playing.  After about 5 minutes he asks me to play with him.  I decide to take a break and play.  I have never been a big fan of the game and the only reason I even still own it is the kids like to play every now and then.  I set it up and he and I start battling each other.  Before I know it, he is up 9-2.  Not only is he up, he is talking smack.  Needless to say, I quickly excused myself and returned to my homework.  Damn timmy.


Shared on Mon, 01/19/2009 - 08:53

Why I Don't Play Halo 3

I am sitting there yesterday afternoon working on a paper for class.  My 5 year old comes downstairs and turns on the old 360 and starts playing.  After about 5 minutes he asks me to play with him.  I decide to take a break and play.  I have never been a big fan of the game and the only reason I even still own it is the kids like to play every now and then.  I set it up and he and I start battling each other.  Before I know it, he is up 9-2.  Not only is he up, he is talking smack.  Needless to say, I quickly excused myself and returned to my homework.  Damn timmy.

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