Tonight 2Old2Shoot will be running it's weekly Clan night. I'd like offer an open invite to any 2Old2Play member. We'll be playing private games of Black Ops 2 all night long. Sticks and Stones or LMGs only on Nuketown is a friggin blast. If you're interested in hopping on for a few games, send Gunny, MNVikesfan or me a message and we'll get you in. We'll most likely be running two rooms and we'd like to fill both up.
Tonight 2Old2Shoot will be running it's weekly Clan night. We'll be playing private games of Black Ops 2 all night long. Sticks and Stones or LMGs only on Nuketown is a friggin blast. If you're interested in hopping on for a few games, send Gunny, MNVikesfan or me a message and we'll get you in. We'll most likely be running two rooms and we'd like to fill both up.
2Old2Shoot hosts a weekly Clan Night on Wednesday nights. We run a private room and play all sorts of different gametypes. This week we'll I'll be running a CoD MW3 room and would like to send an open invitation out to anyone on 2old2play. If you're interested in taking a break from the timmies and getting in some good games, please feel free to join us. I'll be firing up the room around 9:00 PM EST.
On Oct 26th 8pm to 11pm EST, 2o2p will be hosting an XBox Live Community Playdate. We'll be playing MW3 and 2o2p will be featured on the XBox Dashboard. To do so, I'm going to need help from 2old2play. I need some Room leaders that can set up the games. I figure we'll be doing Private matches with a mix of 2o2p and the public.
We desperately need room leaders for the October 19th XBox Live playdate. This is a good thing for the site, it draws a lot of traffic. I really need 4 more room leaders to make this work. Sign up here if interested.
On Oct 19th 8pm to 11pm EST, 2o2p will be hosting an XBox Live Community Playdate. We'll be playing MW3 and 2o2p will be featured on the XBox Dashboard. To do so, I'm going to need help from 2old2play. I need some Room leaders that can set up the games. I figure we'll be doing Private matches with a mix of 2o2p and the public.
For those of you on the fence with this game, here's an in depth review of the game. It's a half hour, but it's very entertaining. I am really enjoying this game. got so much right with Guild Wars 2. Are there issues, sure but they don't really take away from the game or the fun you will have.
So, a few of us Shoot peeps were talking about getting together Friday night 8/10, drink heavily and go back to playing Blops for a night(I know, we were drinking when we came up with this).