Halo doesn't suck anymore.
Halo doesn't suck anymore.
I remember last year when MCC came out, it seemed half of the people here stopped playing. I was one of those people. But seriously, I had to put down Destiny for this and cant' get enough of it. I feel like I haven't been better at a Halo game before. (I thought I was pretty good with H3 having a 45.) BUT THIS!!!!... This game rocks!
Come back guys! (I miss playing with some of you guys)
I swear it's SOOO much better than the other 2 titles 343 has put out. IMO, I think it's ranked right up there with Halo 2 as far as being my favorite game in the series. And thats saying a lot for me as H2 was my favorite of all time. I'm really thinking this game is getting close to being my favorite.
What do you guys who've played it think? I wish we could somehow get back together like we were in the Halo 3 days. I sure do miss those days, and I think this game has a lot of great potential.
Halo 5 has a tough road ahead for me. I play for one reason, my friends. It'll stay that way until we get more fun maps and those silent chat lobbies get fixed. I don't care for Halo MM, never did.
For me, Halo 3 had the best maps, colour and lighting. Halo 4 had the best character movement. Halo 2 represents the most fun I've had but that's totally biased since it was my first online FPS. Halo 5's character movement is comparable to Halo 4 but probably better. Halo 5 weapon mechanics will never be as good for me as Destiny's. I need a lot more aim assist and bullet magnetism. I am twice, maybe three times as good in Destiny MM as I am or ever was in Halo. Such a difference makes choosing what to play quite easy.
Halo 5 character, weapon and vehicle lightning in are easily the worst of all the Halo games. Depending on map lighting, those things seem like their made of painted translucent plastic with light leaking out of the seems. It makes me unhappy.
I actually didn't play Halo 4 at all. (Shocker, huh?) I didn't like the sprint too much. This time around I like it better because your shields don't recharge until you stop sprinting for a couple of seconds. I was half decent at Destiny. I just didn't like the maps they had in the beginning, I guess. I really don't know why.
As far as friends go, I had some great times in H2 and H3, but I was always best at FFA. I'm REALLY stoked too, as I just got Onyx today. And as far as aim assist goes, I don't know what it is but my accuracy always hovers around 50% in Halo, and in Destiny it was WAY lower than that. (I have no idea why.) But aside from Halo4 (I wasn't gaming at the time and going some tough times) I think I will always be a fan.
I think Forge will be here faster than you think.
I agree. This game is REALLY fucking good. Best in the entire series, possibly. Destiny was a placeholder, and I said it without much feeling when I was playing a lot of Destiny, but now that H5 is here, its just so true. Destiny just isn't very rewarding, interesting, or deep to me. I felt better about Destiny before the huge handcannon nerf, too, because the guns just worked. Hell, if everyone in Crucible had The Last Word (again, pre-nerf), I'd have loved that. Now, all the guns are just gimped in some way, and they're going to get re-gimped (although it sounds like they're finally killing shotguns off, which is good).
Halos guns just fucking work, and they all have a niche and they're all balanced. Its just good times.
So Deep does that mean you actually get a 0.2 kd in destiny? :P
Give it some time. The game is great and the developer support seems to be there. I think it'll gain momentum.
Hopefully traffic here will pick up eventually. In the meantime reddit halo and other sites are good for finding people to play with.