
Top Ten Shittiest Vehicles in Gaming

 The full retail release of Forza 6 is right around the corner, and it promises a roster of around 450 cars at launch.

2014: Why Last Year Sucked

 2014 had the potential to be the greatest year in gaming since Nolan Bushnell brought video games to a home console.

GOTY 2014

 2014 was kind of a weird transition year for video games.

Op-Ed: #GamerGate and the Entitled Gamer

 If you pay even slight attention to “games journalism,” you’ve probably heard of the term #GamerGate in the last few months. Every major news outlet has published an editorial denouncing it.

Top 10 Backstabbers in Gaming

As video games have evolved throughout the years, they have become an interactive storytelling medium. Players aren’t just shooting pixellated blobs anymore.

War on Co-op

I've noticed a trend lately and it is really starting to upset me. Actually that’s being nice about it. I don’t want to be nice about it. I am starting to get pissed off!

Top Ten Coolest Guns in Gaming

We’ve all spent countless hours shooting the shit out of each other with shotguns, miniguns, assault rifles, pistols, BARs, DMRs, SMGs, and RPGs. Lah de fucking dah.

Op-ed: Titanfail - 5 Reasons Why Titanfall Sucks

Fellow gamers, we have all bought into the hype on a particular title at one time or another, only to be disappointed by the game once we actually started playing it. Aliens: Colonial Marines

Op-ed: Top 10 "Oh Shit" Moments in Gaming

The gaming landscape is peppered with with moments and images that will stay with us for a very long time.

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